Wednesday, November 05, 2014

7 Reasons Why Magna-Tiles are a Must-Own Toy! {Kids Holiday Wishlist: Reviewed!}

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Last Christmas, Magna-Tiles were on our wish list. I knew they would make a fabulous addition to our light table collection. Then one day, I splurged and we haven't looked back. Since the moment we first opened the box, the kids fell in love with them. Magna-Tiles have since been a favorite toy for both of my boys (and for many of my piano students' siblings!). So here are 7 reasons why we love Magna-Tiles and why I think every kid should own a set

Reasons why we love Magna-Tiles from And Next Comes L

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7 Reasons Why Magna-Tiles are a Must-Own Toy!

I know I have raved about how much my boys love the Magna-Tiles before, but if you need further convincing why you must own this building set, then here are my top seven reasons why you and your kids need them.

1. Magna-Tiles make a great addition to light table play. 

The clear colors set is ideal for light table play. I mean look...

How Magna-Tiles clear colors set look on the light table from And Next Comes L

Ooooh-aaaah! So pretty, right? So whether you have a small light panel, a DIY light box, or a large light table, your kids will definitely enjoy how the Magna-Tiles look when the light shines through. Layer a couple Magna-Tiles and you can explore color mixing too! Don't have a light table? Well, they look fabulous in natural light too!

2. Magna-Tiles are open-ended and versatile. 

The possibilities are endless when it comes to building with Magna-Tiles. From a giant, colorful soccer field for figurines to tin can and Magna-Tiles rockets to houses and 3D shapes, my boys never seem to run out of creative ways to build with them. Recently, three year old K has been building fancy garages out of the Magna-Tiles so that he would have somewhere to park his cars.

3. Magna-Tiles are great for kids of multiple ages. 

My boys are currently three and five and both enjoy building with them. Kids aside, I also enjoy playing with Magna-Tiles. They are just plain fun! I usually set out Magna-Tiles for the boys to play with while I'm teaching piano. Oftentimes, I catch some of the parents and their other children playing with them too. Magna-Tiles are irresistible to little and big hands.

4. Magna-Tiles are super easy to store. 

When we need to store the Magna-Tiles, which is rare, or transport them from room to room, we store our Magna-Tiles in a clear tote. We own the 100 piece set and it all fits in this one bin (pictured below). Since the Magna-Tiles are magnetic, you can stack and store them quite easily. They don't take up much room at all. And please disregard my model's extra dirty clothes...he was coloring furiously with chalk just before I asked him to do some modeling. I may or may not have been fending off an angry three year old as well. Why was he angry, you ask? Because I packed up his Magna-Tiles to transport them upstairs. True story.

Magna-Tiles are so easy to store! Just one of many reasons why we love Magna-Tiles from And Next Comes L

5. Magna-Tiles are durable. 

The boys love to build tall towers and destroy them. That means that oftentimes, Magna-Tiles come crashing down onto hard surfaces. Many months in and we've yet to break, scratch, or dent a Magna-Tile. Knock on wood. I hope to keep it that way!

6. There are no tiny pieces. 

My kids like building with blocks and LEGO and such, but they have tiny pieces. Tiny pieces that hurt when you step on them. Tiny pieces that easily get lost. Tiny pieces that easily (and quite accidentally) get eaten (a LEGO eye may have recently been consumed by a child in my house). That is not a problem with Magna-Tiles. They don't hurt to step on, trust me, which also supports reason number five.

7. Magna-Tiles are easy to build with. 

I remember both of my boys being frustrated by certain types of building sets because the pieces wouldn't hold their place or the pieces were difficult to take apart. Since Magna-Tiles are magnetic, the pieces just simply stick together, making them great for little toddler hands or kids with fine motor difficulties. Plus, playing with magnets is just plain old fun!

So now that I have convinced you of their awesomeness, here's where you can purchase them:

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This review is part of the Kid's Holiday Wishlist: Reviewed! series. You can read about all the other great products by perusing the full wishlist here.
Kid's Holiday Wishlist: Reviewed! series image at And Next Comes L