Thursday, December 19, 2019

New Year's Scrabble Math {Free Printable}

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Looking for New Year's Eve activities for kids? Try this free printable Scrabble math worksheet.

When my oldest was five, I came across this Scrabble addition activity from The Measured Mom and I knew he would love it, which he did. 

So I decided to create him some fun themed Scrabble math worksheets like this New Year's themed one.

This New Year's activity for kids is a great way to introduce new vocabulary, practice some math skills, and work on spelling.

Scrabble math printable for kids to do as a New Year's eve activity

What You'll Need for this New Year's Activity for Kids

For this New Year's learning activity, you will need:

  • New Year's Scrabble Math Printable (link to download is below)
  • Pencil

How it works is the child spells the words using the Scrabble tiles, putting the individual letters into the appropriate squares below the word. 

New Year's activity for kids - a free printable Scrabble math worksheet for kids to practice spelling and math

Then they simply add up the numbers on the bottom of the tiles and fill in the correct answer.

Free Scrabble math printable for a fun New Year's activity for kids

Scrabble math New Year's activity for kids

Ideas on How to Extend this New Year's Activity

My oldest son J is a pro-star at math (he has hypernumeracy after all), so these ended up being way too easy for him. Not surprising though. He did, however, find ways to extend the activity on his own.

First, he noted that a lot of the words had the same score, so he graphed them.

Then we did a tally chart of how many words had certain scores.

He then told me which words had the most points and which one the fewest. Lots of math learning went on!

Download the Free Printable New Year's Scrabble Math Worksheets

This printable is five pages and includes 16 different words for kids to spell and add.

Feel free to print and use the printable as is with a pencil or laminate and pair with a dry erase marker. Laminating will make it more durable and make it reusable.

To a get a copy of this printable, click the link below:

>> Click here to download the free printable


Free printable Scrabble math New Year's activity for kids