Saturday, January 17, 2015

Fine Motor Gelatin Heartbreaking Sensory Play

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Looking for an anti-Valentine's Day type activity for your kids? Perhaps something a little messy, but with a good dose of fine motor skills? Well, then this gelatin heart-breaking sensory activity is perfect for your destructive toddlers and preschoolers because we all know how much they like to destroy stuff.

Gelatin heart-breaking sensory play for Valentine's Day from And Next Comes L

Here's what we used for this gelatin heartbreaking sensory play activity:

I prepared the gelatin as per the instructions on the package, but added a generous amount of red liquid watercolor to get the vibrant red color you see. Once the gelatin was set, I used the heart shaped cookie cutters to make gelatin hearts.

Then it was time for destruction (cue evil laughter....muhahaha)! J's weapon of choice was the potato masher.

Breaking gelatin hearts for Valentine's Day from And Next Comes L

And I love, love, love that I captured this photo. Like look at how the gelatin just oozes through the holes in the potato masher. Breaking hearts has never looked so good.

Breaking gelatin hearts for Valentine's Day from And Next Comes L

Three year old K preferred the roll and squish method with his weapon of choice: the rolling pin. He was the one who turned this activity into a super messy, squishy blob of gelatin.

Fine motor gelatin heart-breaking sensory play for Valentine's Day from And Next Comes L

Fine motor gelatin heart-breaking sensory play for Valentine's Day from And Next Comes L

See...things got a little bit messy. My tip for easy clean up: lay a show curtain underneath the play area so you can quickly clean it up. Simply toss it in the washing machine when done.

Fine motor gelatin heart-breaking sensory play for Valentine's Day from And Next Comes L

Want more anti-Valentine's Day activities? Try these other heartbreaking activities!

Breaking Hearts Fine Motor Play from Still Playing School
Catapult Science for Kids: Can You Break My Heart? from Frogs and Snails and Puppy Dog Tails
Bubble Wrap Heart Breaking from House of Burke

Little heartbreakers blog hop at And Next Comes L

Fine motor gelatin heart-breaking sensory play for Valentine's Day from And Next Comes L