Sunday, February 01, 2015

Days of the Week Scrabble Math {Free Printable}

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Free Scrabble math days of the week printable worksheet for kids. Available in English and in French.

We are officially hooked on Scrabble math printables at our house, so I have been customizing them to help J learn all sorts of concepts.

Right now he's obsessed with singing the days of the week in French. I just knew he would love to do the Scrabble math for the days of the week. That's why I made a bilingual set of days of the week printable Scrabble math activity for him.

These Scrabble math printables are such a great way to work on math, literacy, spelling, and even second language learning so I am happy to keep making new versions for him. I've also included two of our favorite music videos for learning the days of the week in French.

Free Scrabble math days of the week printable worksheets for kids

What You'll Need for this Days of the Week Printable Scrabble Math Activity

To do Scrabble math, you will need:

  • Days of the week Scrabble math printable in English or in French (links to download are below)
  • Pencil

Use the Scrabble letter tiles to spell the days of the week. Then add up the score! Five year old J also likes to write the letters with pencil in the box afterwards.

To reinforce the French learning of the days of the week, we like to watch the following videos on YouTube. J loves to sing "Lundi matin" at the top of his lungs multiple times a day.

Download the Free Printable Days of the Week Scrabble Math Worksheets

Just like the months of the year Scrabble math printables, there are two versions available: one in English and one in French.

Feel free to print and use the printable as is with a pencil or laminate and pair with a dry erase marker. Laminating will make it more durable and make it reusable.

To get a copy of these printables, click the applicable link below:

>> Click here to download the free printable in English

>> Click here to download the free printable in French


Free printable days of the week Scrabble math worksheets for kids