Monday, February 02, 2015

Fairy Tale Sentence Building on the Light Table

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The theme for this month's Light & Reflections series is fairy tales. I decided to do a sentence building literacy activity for the light table to build off of J's hyperlexia and to encourage sentence formation with him, which is something he struggles with verbally. It's a quick and simple light table activity that comes with a free printable.

Fairy tale sentence building light table activity for kids with free printable from And Next Comes L

Fairy Tale Literacy Light Table Activity for Kids

Often you find phrases like "Once upon a time" and "happily ever after" in fairy tales, so I picked four common fairy tale phrases for this activity. 

J has actually been saying "once upon a time" a lot lately, in an attempt to tell short stories verbally. They usually go something like this, "Once upon a time there was a box. The end." Most of the time, they don't even make sense, but he giggles incessantly. 

So this light table activity definitely played off of his current interests.

Here's what you'll need for this light table activity:

  • Fairy Tale Sentence Strips Printable (link to download below) - Contains four sentences and individual words to build the sentence.
  • Vellum (paper or a clear transparency would work as well too)

Just print the printable onto your vellum (or paper or clear transparency), cut, and play!

Building common fairy tale sentences on the light table from And Next Comes L

Building common fairy tale sentences on the light table from And Next Comes L

Building common fairy tale sentences on the light table from And Next Comes L

Download the Free Fairy Tale Sentence Building Printable

This printable is one page and includes four sentences with common phrases and 24 small cards with individual words. Simply print on clear or transparent paper (e.g., vellum), cut, and play.

To get a copy of this printable, click the link below:

>> Click here to download the free printable


Other Ideas You'll Love

Humpty Dumpty Light Table Activity

Jack & the Beanstalk Window Retelling from Still Playing School

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Fairy Castles on the Light Table from Frog in a Pocket

Fairy tale sentence building light table activity for kids with free printable from And Next Comes L