Wednesday, May 06, 2015

Dino-Basketball Sensory Soup {Water Sensory Play}

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My boys created this water sensory bin idea all by themselves. They requested non-colored water, some dinosaurs, and some basketballs. An odd combination at first, but really, it would work great paired with the book Dino-Basketball by Lisa Wheeler. And it ended up being a really cute way to work on fine motor skills and imaginative play.

Water sensory play idea for kids inspired by the book Dino-Basketball from And Next Comes L

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We turned the book Dino-Basketball into a sensory soup, which is basically a water sensory bin with bowls and spoons. We have done quite a few sensory soups before and my boys just absolutely love them! So to make Dino-Basketball sensory soup, we used:

Toss all of the items in a bin and it's ready to go!

Water sensory play idea for kids inspired by the book Dino-Basketball from And Next Comes L

The addition of scoops and spoons allows for lots of fine motor practice. The boys love scooping up the water, or whatever items we add to the water, and dumping them into the bowl.

Fine motor water sensory play for toddlers and preschoolers using dinosaurs and basketballs from And Next Comes L

Fine motor water sensory play for toddlers and preschoolers using dinosaurs and basketballs from And Next Comes L

This particular sensory soup encouraged a lot of storytelling for K, who became particularly fond of a brontosaurus. He even came up with a super cute squeaky voice for the brontosaurus and spent lots of time playing with it one on one.

Playing with dinosaurs and water from And Next Comes L

Fine motor water sensory play for toddlers and preschoolers using dinosaurs and basketballs from And Next Comes L

Playing with dinosaurs and water from And Next Comes L

This Dino-Basketball inspired water sensory soup is part of a water play for kids blog hop. Thank you to Heather from Crayon Box Chronicles for organizing the blog hop. Unfortunately, she couldn't participate at the last minute, so instead, I've included one of her water play ideas below.

Tutti Fruity Watercolors from Crayon Box Chronicles
LEGO Water Bin from Mamas Like Me
Rose Petal Water Play from Frogs Snails and Puppy Dog Tails
Bird Bath Pretend Play from My Nearest and Dearest
Glowing Galaxy Water Bin from Fun-A-Day!

Fine motor water sensory play with dinosaurs and basketballs - inspired by the children's book Dino-Basketball from And Next Comes L