Monday, September 07, 2015

Fall Tic Tac Toe Light Table Activity

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A simple fall tic tac toe light table activity for kids.

My son could happily spend hours playing, exploring, and building on the light table. And, one day, I had the idea to turn some of the materials that he was playing with into a little seasonal variation of a classic game.

The result? This fall tic tac toe light table activity for kids using colorful fall leaves instead of Xs and Os.

We ended up playing this over and over for quite some time. So, needless to say, my son enjoyed it.

Fall tic tac toe light table activity for kids

What You'll Need for this Fall Tic Tac Toe Light Table Activity

You'll only need two materials (besides the light table, of course) to try this tic tac toe activity at home with your kids. As an added bonus, you can easily find both items at the dollar store. Here's what we used:

  • Acrylic fall leaves - You can find these at Michael's or the dollar store. You will need two different colors for this particular activity, one for each player.
  • Light table, light box, or similar - Although you can certainly do this activity off the light table as well. It's just less fun that way.

Fall tic tac toe activity for the light table

How to Play Fall Tic Tac Toe on the Light Table

Simply use the cocktail stirrers to build a 3 x 3 grid or draw the game board directly on the light table using a dry erase marker.

Pick two colors of leaves to replace the traditional Xs and Os. Each player gets one color. So, in our game, we used green leaves for one player and red leaves for the other player.

Fall light table activity for kids inspired by the game of tic tac toe

Then simply play as if you were playing any other game of tic tac toe, taking turns placing one of your game pieces (i.e., leaves) in a spot in the 3 x 3 grid, until someone gets three in a row or it ends in a draw.

Close up of a child's hand playing a fall tic tac toe activity on the light table

Fall tic tac toe activity for the light table

It's a bright and colorful version of the game, that's for sure! But my son J loved playing it against me over and over.

This fall tic tac toe light table activity was part of the Light & Reflections series. This month's theme was fall or back to school. Be sure to check out the other posts in this month's series.

Counting & Adding Acorns on the Light Table from Where Imagination Grows

Autumn Lanterns from Frog in a Pocket

The kids will love this fall tic tac toe light table activity idea!