Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Free Printable Temple Grandin Autism Quote

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Did you know that April is Autism Awareness Acceptance Month? Well, there's no better way to celebrate than by quoting one of the most famous people with autism, Dr. Temple Grandin. This free printable autism quote is one of my favorites.

Free printable Temple Grandin autism quote from And Next Comes L

Free Printable Temple Grandin Autism Quote

Temple Grandin is a remarkable individual and her insight into life with autism is wonderful. And she's an absolutely incredible speaker so if you ever have the chance to see her live, then do so. I was able to attend one of her talks, get her autograph, and talk briefly about hyperlexia with her. I've summarized my night with her with this 5 things I learned about autism from Temple Grandin printable. But, I digress.

This print is for personal and non-commercial use only. Simply click the link below to get your copy. Then print, frame, and hang wherever you please.


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