Wednesday, March 02, 2016

DIY Balance Beam for Kids

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It's no secret that I love a good sensory hack. 

I also love when the sensory hacks are extremely frugal and versatile. 

One of my absolute favorite sensory hacks is this DIY balance beam for kids using a pool noodle.

It involves zero prep and is inexpensive, but it still provides lots of vestibular sensory input for kids. It's also a perfect gross motor boredom buster for rainy days! And if you live in a small space, then this balance beam sensory hack will be ideal for you, just like our DIY pool noodle balance board. In fact, you can just keep using the same pool noodle over and over for both hacks. 

DIY balance beam for kids using a pool noodle from And Next Comes L

Make a Quick DIY Balance Beam Using a Pool Noodle!

There is literally no effort involved in setting up this DIY balance beam. Simply grab a pool noodle from the dollar store and lay it on the floor. Then challenge the kids to walk across it!

For a quick vestibular gross motor activity for kids, set up this simple DIY balance beam using a pool noodle from And Next Comes L

For a quick vestibular gross motor activity for kids, set up this simple DIY balance beam using a pool noodle from And Next Comes L

Our pool noodle is a scrap leftover from our pool noodle trampoline safety hack, so it's a bit shorter than a regular pool noodle. However, I think this length was ideal for my four year old because trust me, balancing on a pool noodle is tricky stuff!

Turn a pool noodle into a DIY balance beam for kids from And Next Comes L

This pool noodle balance beam is harder to balance on then a regular balance beam, but my kids were up for the challenge. 

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DIY balance beam for kids using a pool noodle from And Next Comes L