Friday, March 11, 2016

St. Patrick's Day Fine Motor Tray

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St. Patrick's Day fine motor and scissor skills activity for toddlers and preschoolers.

My youngest loves to cut things. 

Always has. 

He was quite little (maybe like 18 months even - can't remember for sure) when he first started exploring with scissors and cutting paper and he would happily cut paper for fairly long periods of time. And he still does today.

So I created this St. Patrick's Day fine motor tray for him to continue refining his fine motor skills. 

Scissors skills activity tray for St. Patrick's Day

St. Patrick's Day Fine Motor Activity Tray for Kids

For this fine motor activity, I used:

Scissors skills activity tray for St. Patrick's Day

I originally only included scissors for this fine motor tray, but four year old K asked for the circle punch. So I added it as he loves using it and it's such a good way to build hand strength and fine motor skills. He could seriously sit and punch out circles all day long.

St. Patrick's Day fine motor activity for toddlers and preschoolers

St. Patrick's Day fine motor activity for toddlers and preschoolers

Then he arranged all the circles into a happy face! How can you not smile at that?

St. Patrick's Day cutting tray and fine motor activity

Other Fine Motor Ideas You'll Love

St. Patrick's Day fine motor and scissor skills activity tray for toddlers and preschoolers