Friday, April 01, 2016

Autism Summer Reading List {Free Printable}

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There have been so many good autism books published in the last year. There's also been a few new releases worth noting and with summer quickly approaching, I have already stocked up on a few of these books myself.

If you're like me and like to enjoy a good book in the sunshine, then this free printable autism summer reading list is for you! Simply print and check off the books as you go!

Free printable autism summer reading list from And Next Comes L

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Autism Summer Reading List

Here's the autism books that you'll find on this summer reading list:

1. The Loving Push: How Parents & Professionals Can Help Spectrum Kids Become Successful Adults by Temple Grandin & Debra Moore - I just discovered this book on Amazon the other day when it came up as a recommended book. I ordered it right away since I love reading anything by Temple Grandin. Can't wait to read this one!

2. The Prodigy's Cousin: The Family Link Between Autism and Extraordinary Talent by Joanne Ruthsatz & Kimberley Stephens - I have heard really good things about this book, especially from other parents in the hyperlexia community. It should be an interesting read!

3. In a Different Key: The Story of Autism by John Donvan & Caren Zucker - I'm currently about half done this book and it is extremely interesting! It goes through the history of autism, so it is certainly cringe-worthy at times, but fascinating nonetheless. Definitely a must read based off of what I have read thus far.

4. Uniquely Human: A Different Way of Seeing Autism by Barry M. Prizant - This book is fabulous and certainly a must read for every single person on this planet. I could quote line after line from this book, it's that good.

5. Women and Girls with Autism Spectrum Disorder: Understanding Life Experiences from Early Childhood to Old Age by Sarah Hendrickx - There is a lack of resources and information concerning autism in females so I put this book onto my reading list to help educate myself even though I only have sons. It has received good reviews on Amazon so far!

6. NeuroTribes: The Legacy of Autism and the Future of Neurodiversity by Steve Silberman - This book is a great one to read alongside In a Different Key since it covers the history of autism as well. It's a behemoth of a book, but incredibly interesting to read.

7. The Reason I Jump: The Inner Voice of a Thirteen-Year-Old Boy with Autism by Naoki Higashida - This book was just released as a paperback so it's the perfect time to pick up a copy of this book. It's easily one of my favorite books about autism. It gives such incredible insight. Plus, you can totally read this book in just one sitting.

8. I am Aspiengirl: The Unique Characteristics, Traits, and Gifts of Females on the Autism Spectrum by Tania Marshall - This book has really positive reviews on Amazon and could be a great read about autism in girls, a topic that certainly doesn't get enough coverage. So if you have a daughter with autism, then this book might be a good one for you.

9. Temple Talks About Autism and the Older Child by Temple Grandin - Brand new from Temple Grandin, this book's release date is April 3, 2016. And knowing Temple, this book should be an informative read, especially if you have an older child with autism. Can't wait to check this book out!

10. The Un-Prescription for Autism: A Natural Approach for a Calmer, Happier, and More Focused Child by Janet Lintala - Based on the title alone, this book sounds right up my alley! We prefer to take a more natural approach with most things in our life so I'm curious to read this book and find out what they suggest for a natural approach to raising a child with autism. It just came out in March 2016, but it's already getting really great reviews!

Download the Free Printable Autism Summer Reading List

To make things a bit easier for you to enjoy this summer reading list, I put together a printable checklist. You can use it to locate the books at your local library or bookstore. Or print it off and check the books off as you read them.

To download the printable list, either click the image below or the link below the image.

Free printable autism summer reading list from And Next Comes L


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Free printable autism summer reading list from And Next Comes L