Monday, April 25, 2016

Free Printable Flip Up Pronoun Speech Cards

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Pronouns are something kids with hyperlexia can really struggle with. My son was almost 5 and 1/2 before he started referring to himself with the appropriate pronouns and it was also the age where he finally started to use he and she more accurately. However, he still has issues with he and she from time to time, as well as the more complex pronouns like we and they or the possessive pronouns like his, her, theirs, etc.

So to continue practicing his pronouns, I put together this free printable flip up pronoun speech therapy cards. They're self-checking, which means he can work on these independently and confirm his own answers. There's over 40 different cards to practice the pronouns he, she, and they.

Free printable flip up pronoun speech therapy cards for kids - great for kids with autism and hyperlexia from And Next Comes L

How to Use the Flip Up Pronoun Speech Cards

Download, print, and cut the pronoun speech cards. You could laminate the cards too, if you'd like, but I decided to skip that step. Fold along the dotted line. However, if you have a fancy paper trimmer like I do, then you can use the perforated cutting tool to make the folding process a breeze!

Once the cards are cut and folded, then you can use them for speech therapy practice. I wanted these cards to focus on the pronouns he, she, and they as that's something my son with hyperlexia still struggles with occasionally. 

So the idea is to get him to fill in the blanks with the appropriate pronoun either by using clues in the sentence (e.g., a sentence with the word "her" would imply "she") or clues from the photo. Then he can flip up the answer to double check the answer. I always encourage him to read the complete answer out loud to practice the speech concepts.

It's such a nice self-checking speech therapy activity for him!

Free printable flip up pronoun speech therapy cards for kids - great for kids with autism and hyperlexia from And Next Comes L

Download the Free Printable Flip Up Pronoun Speech Cards

This free printable is seven pages long and includes 42 different flip up cards to practice the pronouns he, she, and they. Each card features a full color photo and a sentence with a blank to fill in. To use, simply print, cut, and fold the individual cards on the dotted lines.

To get a copy of this printable, click the link below:

>> Click here to download the free printable


Free printable flip up pronoun speech therapy cards for kids - great for kids with autism and hyperlexia from And Next Comes L