Friday, August 19, 2016

Speech Apps for Kids to Work on Pronouns

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Children with hyperlexia find pronouns difficult to master. They reverse pronouns and end up talking in third person.

As a result, I spend a lot of time practicing and modeling correct pronoun usage with J. We also use a lot of speech therapy apps for kids to work on pronouns since he enjoys playing on the iPad. There are only a handful of apps that target pronouns specifically. Some are free, but most are paid. Here are the apps that we have used to target pronouns.

Speech therapy apps for kids to practice pronouns - great app suggestions for kids with hyperlexia or autism from And Next Comes L

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Apps for Working on Pronouns

Pronouns with Splingo - Apps for Working on Pronouns from And Next Comes L

1. Pronouns with Splingo

This app is bright and colorful and asks kids to drag and drop items to the correct person or group of people.

Using I and Me Fun Deck - Apps for Working on Pronouns from And Next Comes L

2. Using I and Me Fun Deck

This app is more like fill in the blank flashcards to practice using "I" and "me" correctly. You can click on the cute illustrations to hear the sentence in addition to reading it.

Pronouns English - Apps for Working on Pronouns from And Next Comes L

3. Pronouns - English

The free version of this app allows for quite a bit of pronoun practice, but depending on which pronouns your child needs help with, you will want to upgrade to the full version. This app uses a lot of different activities to practice the pronouns, including fill in the blanks and matching.

Pronouns by Teach Speech - Apps for Working on Pronouns from And Next Comes L

4. Pronouns by Teach Speech Apps

I love that this app uses real photos of people to practice pronouns. It also uses a variety of methods to practice pronouns.

Pronoun Fill In Fun Deck - Apps for Working on Pronouns from And Next Comes L

5. Pronoun Fill-In Super Fun Deck

Similar to the Using I and Me Fun Deck, this app uses a fill in the blank flashcards approach. There are 120 cards to practice in the app.

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Speech therapy apps for kids to practice pronouns - great app suggestions for kids with hyperlexia or autism from And Next Comes L