Monday, September 05, 2016

Egg Carton Geoboard

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I'm always a fan of using recycled materials for play. And this simple homemade egg carton geoboard is no exception. It's a great fine motor activity for kids and requires zero prep. So how can it possibly get any better than that?

Egg carton geoboard - a simple no prep fine motor activity for kids from And Next Comes L

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How to Make a Homemade Geoboard Using an Egg Carton

If you are like us and buy eggs by the dozens at a time, then you're likely hoarding a bunch of these large egg carton trays. Before you recycle or reuse them, try this simple activity.

For this activity, you will need:

Just like our muffin tin geoboard idea, this homemade geoboard requires zero prep and set up. Just simply grab the materials and let the kids start working on their fine motor skills.

Fine motor activity for kids using a homemade egg carton geoboard from And Next Comes L

This egg carton geoboard is trickier than traditional geoboard, or even our muffin tin geoboard, so I would suggest that this activity be for older kids. My boys were 4 and 6 at the time of photos. Four year old K liked to make shapes.

Making shapes on a homemade egg carton geoboard from And Next Comes L

Meanwhile, six year old J was "making a word search." I think a fun extension of this activity would be to actually write letters on the egg carton's peaks and turn it into a real word search game.

Making shapes on a homemade egg carton geoboard from And Next Comes L

Making shapes on a homemade egg carton geoboard from And Next Comes L

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Egg carton geoboard - a simple no prep fine motor activity for kids from And Next Comes L