Thursday, December 15, 2016

40+ Calm Down Tools for Older Kids {Free Printable}

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Teaching coping skills to older children and teens is important for emotional self-regulation. This free printable list of calm down tools and strategies for older kids is a great resource for parents!

The thing about kids with autism, anxiety, or sensory issues is that they grow up and, while there are lots of resources for young children, there is, unfortunately, a serious lack of resources for parents of older children, pre-teens, teens, and yes, even adults.

You can easily find lots of calm down strategies and suggestions for toddlers, preschoolers, and young children, but there is a gap when it comes to older kids and up. Where are the calming strategies for older children?

Obviously, my kids are still quite young, so I don't have experience with pre-teens, teens, and adults with anxiety, sensory processing disorder, or autism. However, my oldest is already seven and is already requiring a different set of tools in his calm down kit than he did over the past few years.

So if you have been thinking of making a calm down kit geared towards an older child, then look no further than this list of 40+ calm down tools for older kids. I have also included a free printable for you to keep handy while shopping for items for the calm down kit.

Calm down tools and toys for older kids from And Next Comes L

40+ Calm Down Tools for Older Kids

There have been numerous times where people have commented that my list of 40+ calm down ideas for kids is geared towards smaller children, which it is, and have wished that there was a solid list of ideas for older children. 

So whether you want to build a calm down kit for older kids or you just want a list of awesome calm down tools, then look no further than this list of 40+ calm down tools for older kids!

1. Chewing gum - We like Pur Gum and Glee Gum

2. Hard candy like lollipops, jolly ranchers, Ring Pops, or anything else that can be sucked on

3. Noise canceling headphones for listening to music or audiobooks

4. Hearing protection ear muffs

5. Punching bag or bop bag

6. LEGO kits

7. Book of yoga poses or yoga pose cards

8. Weighted blanket

9. Calming essential oil spray

10. Rescue Remedy spray

11. Blank notebook/journal and writing utensils

12. Coloring books

13. Skipping rope

14. Chapter books to read

15. Activity books: dot-to-dots, mazes, crosswords, sudoku, etc.

16. Stress balls

17. Rubik's cube

18. Wooden or metal logic puzzles or brain teasers

19. Mini massager

20. Scratch art doodle pad

21. MP3 player or iPod loaded with music, audiobooks, nature sounds, etc.

22. Look and find books

23. Kaleidoscope

24. Weighted lap cushion

25. Heated blanket

26. Brain Quest cards

27. Crunchy snacks

28. Gummy snacks

29. Doodle books

30. Sound machine

31. Craft kits: LEGO Chain Reactions Craft Kit | Knot a Quilt Kit

32. Hand weights or small dumbbells

33. Resistance/exercise stretchy bands

34. Compression clothing

35. Cat's cradle

36. Mad Libs books

37. Puzzles

38. One player travel sized board games: Rush Hour | Laser Maze Logic Game

39. Bop It, Simon, or similar game that uses auditory or visual input

40. Eye mask

41. Chew necklace

42. Lava lamp

43. Scented lotion

44. Scented candles

45. Sunglasses

Download the Free Printable Calm Down Tools for Older Kids List

To get a copy of this printable, click the link below:

>> Click here to download the free printable

Free printable list of calm down tools for older kids from And Next Comes L

Calm down tools and toys for older kids from And Next Comes L