Sunday, January 08, 2017

Balloon Snowman

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If you have kids just begging you to let them build a snowman, but the weather just isn't cooperating (i.e., it's too freaking cold to go outside!), then you have to try this adorable balloon snowman indoor activity for kids

Indoor snowman making activity for kids using balloons from And Next Comes L

Fun Indoor Winter Activity for Kids: Build a Balloon Snowman!

It's amazing how much fun my kids had building a balloon snowman indoors, but I think my favorite part was watching them try to decorate it with a real toque (that's a winter hat for you non-Canadian folks reading this). Seriously so much fun and EASY!

As for the actual crafting and building of the snowman, it is so open-ended. The kids can get as creative as they want making their snowman. Like maybe they want to build a rainbow snowman or a green snowman! Or maybe even a two-headed snowman?? The possibilities are endless!

Indoor snowman making activity for kids using balloons from And Next Comes L