Friday, June 16, 2017

Lavender Scented Slime

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Looking for a calming sensory activity for kids? Then you'll definitely want to give this lavender scented slime recipe a try!

Life with kids is hectic, but toss in autism, sensory issues, and one crazy school year and I'm basically begging for more calm in our lives. Even when I first started dabbling with essential oils to calm sensory meltdowns, I quickly noticed how positive lavender essential oil was for us. We began using it for bedtime and for calming sensory play.

So when my kids first started showing an interest in playing with slime, I knew right away that I wanted to make a lavender scented slime recipe. I wanted the first experience with slime to be calming to touch, calming to watch, and calming to smell.

But if I'm going to be honest, it certainly wasn't a calming process to make it! It was an extremely sticky mess as I tried to get the measurements perfect. It was stuck to my hands, and I'm pretty sure my hair and face, as I desperately tried to make this slime recipe work for us. I swear those slime video tutorials I see on social media make things look way too easy.

Lavender scented slime recipe for kids from And Next Comes L

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A Few Important Notes About Slime

When it comes to making and playing with slime in our house, I do have a few important rules.

  1. Always wash your hands after playing with slime.
  2. Parents should always make the slime recipe (to make sure measurements are correct). Or at least, supervise your child while they make it.
  3. Seal the slime in an airtight container so that it can be reused and played with over and over.
I'm not super "sciency," but we are basically mixing things together and forming a chemical reaction or something. See, not sciency at all. 

How to Make Calming Lavender Scented Slime

Here's what I used to make this lavender scented slime:

Pour the bottle of glue into a bowl and add the baking soda. Mix well. Add the lavender essential oil and liquid watercolor and stir until combined. Next, add some generous squirts of contact solution and mix. Keep adding the contact solution until the mixture starts to ball up and stick to itself. Then I like to wet my fingers with some more contact solution and knead the slime until it's well combined.

Or, you can use K's trusty instructions that he wrote out all by himself...

How to make calming lavender slime for kids from And Next Comes L

Just don't forget this important final step, especially if you are a blogger...hahaha

How to make calming lavender slime for kids from And Next Comes L

Then you'll end up with a lovely purple plop of...poop? Or at least that's what it looks like in this photo!

How to make calming lavender slime for kids from And Next Comes L

This simple slime recipe is ooey, gooey, and oh so stretchy! And admittedly, kind of challenging to photograph!

How to make calming lavender slime for kids from And Next Comes L

Playing with stretchy lavender scented slime from And Next Comes L

Playing with stretchy lavender scented slime from And Next Comes L

Playing with stretchy lavender scented slime from And Next Comes L

K gives it too thumbs up!

Playing with stretchy lavender scented slime from And Next Comes L

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Lavender scented slime recipe for kids from And Next Comes L