Friday, June 23, 2017

50 Self-Care Activities You Can Do Together With Kids

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A huge pst of self-care activities for moms to do together with their kids. Includes a free printable pst!

Self-care is something I really struggle with.

I find it difficult to put my needs ahead of others. 

See, I'm a giver and a carer.

So I hate acknowledging that I need help and therefore, never ask for it. Giving control over to someone else, when I know I can do it eventually, is hard for me. I guess in a way it feels like failing, even though I know I am not.

Perhaps I am too much of a perfectionist.

Or maybe it's the fact that I am usually just too darn tired to give myself the attention and care I require.

After all, raising kids is hard and exhausting. So I end up not having the energy to even consider my own needs.

However, I have been trying to be better at giving myself the self-care I need. It's important to do so. I am a much better person, and a much better parent, when I do. 

But finding time away to give myself the self-care I need is impossible. There's not too many people I trust to look after my kids for any length of time. That's why I'm focusing on finding self-care activities to do with my kids.

These activities are for you to do together with your kids to help both of you feel recharged because let's face it, most parents struggle to find time alone to do these things themselves. So why not include the kids!

By including them, I am helping them learn self-care skills themselves. I am helping them, and me, fill our coping skills toolbox and teaching them valuable self-regulation skills.

50 self-care activities you can do together with your kids from And Next Comes L

50 Self-Care Activities You Can Do With Kids

This list of ideas is designed to make you laugh, relax, breathe, and generally just have fun with your kids. They are activities that you can do together to make you both feel recharged. They will reset your day and help you and your child feel refreshed!

1. Have a dance party

2. Play a game (our current favorites are Ticket to Ride, Hogwarts Battle, and Dragonwood)

3. Unplug and read a book (we are currently reading through the Harry Potter books)

4. Exercise

5. Go for a bike ride

6. Go for a walk or a hike

7. Cuddle up and watch a movie

8. Paint your nails

9. Diffuse essential oils

10. Draw, paint, or craft

11. Journal

12. Write a collaborative story

13. Bake or cook a meal

14. Order take out or go out for supper

15. Drink warm beverages

16. Do some Mad libs

17. Just play!

18. Watch music videos on YouTube

19. Go swimming

20. Go to the library and pick out books

21. Tell jokes

22. Meditate

23. Do yoga

24. Blow bubbles

25. Garden

26. Go on a picnic

27. Swing at the park

28. Go out for ice cream

29. Give each other back or foot massages

30. Call or FaceTime with family or friends

31. Watch funny videos on YouTube

32. Listen to music

33. Take a nap

34. Learn something new (instrument, language, hobby, etc.)

35. Listen to an audiobook

36. Write poetry

37. Skip rocks on a pond

38. Make an inspiration collage

39. Go fishing

40. Go berry picking

41. Explore a new museum, park, or area of your town or city

42. Scrapbook

43. Take silly pictures together

44. Write things you like about yourself and your child on a list and have them to do the same

45. Plan a trip to somewhere you've never been before

46. Do a puzzle

47. Brush and/or braid each other's hair

48. Lay in a hammock and cuddle, read a book, and/or talk

49. Build a fort and play a game or read a book inside it

50. Go to a pet store and watch the fish swim around

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Other Ideas You'll Love

This post is part of a monthly series called Parenting Children with Special Needs. This month's topic is self-care and you can find the other posts regarding this topic below.

7 Practical Self Care Activities for Stressed Out Special Needs Parents | My Home Truths

Self-Care for Foster and Adoptive Famipes | The Chaos and The Clutter 

What Happens When You Ignore Self Care | This Outnumbered Mama

Why You Should Keep a Journal as a Part of Your Self Care Routine | Kori at Home