Wednesday, October 04, 2017

Super Mario World Perler Bead Projects (Part I)

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If you love retro video games and perler bead crafts, then you're going to love these geeky Super Mario perler bead designs!

If you were to ask me what my favorite video game of all time is, then I would say, hands down, the best game ever is Super Mario World for SNES. Seriously, I could play most of this game with my eyes closed and even years later, still tell you where all the secret exits are.

So when we, as a family, got into making perler bead crafts, I knew that making some Super Mario World themed perler bead crafts would be at the top of my list. 

I kind of want a whole elaborate magnet wall full of them so the kids can design their own levels, similar to what they do in the Mario Maker game for WiiU. And I'm going to make that happen eventually...

Back in January, my husband was away for work for like 15 straight days (in an unsafe country too!) and, of course, huge issues cropped up with J's school. My stress level was maxed out. I started making these Super Mario World projects as a way to cope with the stress and the lonely evenings without my husband.

And I couldn't stop making them, I was so I amassed a lot of different designs during that time!

Super Mario World perler bead crafts from And Next Comes L

Super Mario World Perler Bead Crafts: Characters & Items

Be prepared to get your craft on because there are a lot of projects here to inspire you! So many that I had to break this post into two parts.

I made a lot of these based off of images I found on Google and some I designed myself. Unfortunately, since I'm blogging about these nine months later and my kids like to close my open tabs on my iPad, I don't have the links to the original designs I followed in order to give them credit. But, alas, I did not save the links anywhere. And honestly, I made so many I kind of forget which ones I designed myself anyways.

There's so many designs that you can find more over in Super Mario World Perler Bead Crafts (Part II).

Anyway, here's what you'll need:

Awesome Super Mario World perler bead crafts and patterns from And Next Comes L

I have provided images of all the finished designs below so that you can use them as patterns to recreate your own at home.

It's a me, Mario!

Super Mario perler bead craft from And Next Comes L

Blue P Switch

Super Mario World p switch perler bead craft from And Next Comes L

Question Block

Super Mario World question block perler bead craft from And Next Comes L


Super Mario World mushroom perler bead craft from And Next Comes L

Green Shell

Super Mario World green shell perler bead craft from And Next Comes L


Super Mario World brick perler bead craft from And Next Comes L

Exclamation Block

Super Mario World exclamation block perler bead craft from And Next Comes L


Super Mario World star perler bead craft from And Next Comes L


Super Mario World coin perler bead craft from And Next Comes L

1-Up Mushroom

Super Mario World 1 up mushroom perler bead craft from And Next Comes L


Super Mario World trampoline perler bead craft from And Next Comes L

Green Pipe

Super Mario World pipe perler bead craft from And Next Comes L

Super Mario World Landscape

Super Mario World landscape perler bead craft from And Next Comes L

Create a Scene!

My kids love to assemble the different pieces to create different levels and scenes, kind of like below.

Awesome Super Mario World perler bead crafts and patterns from And Next Comes L

Wait, there's more Super Mario World Perler Bead Crafts!

I couldn't squeeze 30 pictures into one blog post, so you can find a bunch of enemies in Part II.

Super Mario World perler bead crafts from And Next Comes L