Friday, March 02, 2018

Free Social Stories for Potty Training

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A collection of free social stories for potty training. Printable and video social stories about toileting, going to the bathroom, and more are included below.

Is your child is showing signs of potty training readiness? Think they're ready to make the full transition to underwear?

Well, transitioning from diapers to the potty and eventually bathroom independence is a big change. One that you and your child might need to prepare for. 

Sometimes using visual supports and reminders can be super helpful when it comes to toilet learning. As can books, songs, or videos. A favorite for us was the Potty Time video from Signing Time. Highly recommend it!

Anyway, another great tool you can use to prepare your child for toilet training is to use a social story. They're a great way to break down all the steps involved with toileting. And there certainly are a lot of steps to remember from pulling pants up and down, wiping, flushing, and washing hands.

Below you will find a wide variety of free social stories for potty training. They cover topics like using a urinal, wiping, asking to go to the bathroom, knowing which bathroom to use, and so much more.

Free social stories for potty training, toileting, going to the bathroom, wiping, and more - includes both printable and video social stories for kids

This collection of social stories for toilet training was last updated on December 1, 2022. New stories were added (including lots of video ones!), dead links were removed, and more details were provided to make sure you can find what you need quicker.

Free Printable Social Stories for Potty Training

Have you been looking for a toileting social story? Then look no further than these free printable social stories for potty training. Some require you to have a Teachers Pay Teachers account (which is free!) before you can download them.

I've rounded up some options for you to explore. That way you can find the best toilet training social story for you and your child. Or you can simply use ideas from different stories below to write your own custom story (free social story templates here to help).

Please note that just because a social story is listed here does not mean I endorse its content. After all, many social stories tend to be poorly written and/or teach autistic masking. Besides, I haven't read all of these stories word for word myself. So please read through the stories carefully before using them with your child.

1. Potty Training Social Story for Girls from Jessica Bander on TPT - An 8 page social story that is geared towards girls. It does come as a Word document so maybe you can edit it and personalize it.

2. Potty Training Social Story for Boys from Jessica Bander on TPT - Same story as above, I bet. Just that this one is geared towards boys, instead of girls. Might be editable again since it comes as a Word document.

3. Going to the Bathroom Social Story from SpEdTeachersRock on TPT - Here's a story that covers various aspects of going to the washroom, including pulling pants up, flushing, washing hands, etc. It uses a mix of clipart and photos. It also uses terminology like "big boy" so best suited for boys.

4. Using the Bathroom at School Social Story from Mac SS on TPT- Public washrooms can cause all sorts of issues for kids with sensory issues or autism. So it's kind of nice to have social stories like this one geared towards a specific scenario, such as using the bathroom at school. This story uses mostly clipart by the looks of things. It comes as a PowerPoint so it might be editable, which is nice.

5. Pooping on the Potty Interactive Social Story from Jill Shook SLP on TPT - There are three versions included here with different stick figure style clipart. There's one featuring a girl, one with a Black boy, and one with a white boy.

6. Bathroom Break at School Social Story from Social Stories: Power Tool for Autism - This story is primarily text only, but it does include two photos. It focuses on using the bathroom at school.

7. No Hands in the Toilet Bowl Water Social Story from Social Stories: Power Tool for Autism - This story obviously covers a very specific bathroom rule. One photo and one clipart image are included. Otherwise, it's mostly a text-only social story.

8. Potty Training (Boy) Editable Social Narrative Template from Social Unicorn on TPT - An editable PowerPoint template so you can write your own story using the potty.

9. Potty Training (Girl) Editable Social Narrative Template from Social Unicorn on TPT - Same as the story above, but this one is geared towards girls. 

10. Bathroom Time Social Story from Abagael Gerdes on TPT - This story looks like it might be pretty detailed. It comes as a Word document so you might be able to edit it too. It uses clipart throughout.

11. Bathroom Social Story with Scenarios from Sarah Hingson on TPT - I like that this story includes some sign language in it. Otherwise, it looks pretty simple and uses clipart.

12. Social Narrative: How to Use the Urinal from Jason Wong on TPT - Here's a helpful story for learning about using a urinal, which is a good topic to cover when it comes to toilet training. This story uses clipart.

13. Using the Restroom Social Story from Tandy Webb on TPT - There's not a whole lot I can tell about this story from the image included on TPT, but it does come as a PowerPoint. So hopefully you can edit it.

14. Bathroom Accident Prevention Social Story from Planet Jupiter on TPT - This story is geared towards kids who have frequent bathroom accidents and uses clipart. It also includes a visual prompt for a school desk.

15. I Can Use the Bathroom Social Story from Ashley Kumrow on TPT - This story covers the basics of using the bathroom and uses clipart to support the text. Apparently it uses PBIS principles, whatever those are...

16. Using the Bathroom Editable Social Story from Mrs. Bartus on TPT - It looks like that this story focuses primarily on pooping. It uses colorful icons and clipart and simple text. It is in PowerPoint format so you can edit it.

17. Using the Restroom Social Story from Gina Rodriguez on TPT - This story is also in PowerPoint format so you should be able to edit it. It uses some pretty random assortment of clipart.

18. I Can Go to the Toilet Editable Social Story from Special Ed Resources for All on TPT - This story comes as a PowerPoint so you can edit it. It uses lots of photos and clipart, but it also has spots for you to put your child's name and photo. 

19. Sesame Street Characters Peeing in the Potty Social Story from Autism Little Learners - If your child loves Sesame Street and is a boy, then this story might be a great fit.

20. I Can Ask to Use the Bathroom Social Story from TeacherTalk2022 on TPT - Here's a story that focuses on helping kids understand how to ask (or tell) adults at school that they need to use the bathroom. It uses clipart, not photos.

21. Flushing the Toilet is Loud Social Story from Communication Station on TPT - This story focuses on coping with the loud noises that accompany flushing the toilet. There are icons included alongside almost every word in this story, which may be distracting and annoying for some, but beneficial for others.

22. Using the Bathroom Social Story from Nat M on TPT - This story looks colorful with its red/pink pages and random clipart. It focuses on the important steps of what to do when using the bathroom.

23. Good Bathroom Behavior for Girls Social Story from Cassie's Creations on TPT - A one page story with some clipart. It comes as a Word document so you should be able to edit it too.

24. Using the Bathroom Social Story from John McDevitt on TPT - This story uses a random assortment of photos and clipart. Everything from Spongebob to a photo of a person holding their butt. It does come as a Word document so it should be editable.

25. Using the Bathroom at School Social Story from Bridget McGlynn on TPT - This story uses clipart and looks pretty basic.

26. Bathroom Visual & Social Story from Jessica Harris on TPT - There's not much to see in the listing's image so I'm not sure what's all inside, but it does comes as Google Slides. That means you might be able to edit and customize it.

27. Use the Correct Restroom Social Story from Haley Arellano on TPT - This story explains that there are different restrooms at school. It comes as a Word document so you might be able to edit it.

28. Bathroom Social Story from Keri-Lynn Maher on TPT - This story is about using the bathroom at school and uses a mix of clipart and photos.

29. Using a Urinal Social Story from ASERT - This story discusses how to use the urinal's found in men's bathrooms. It uses clipart to accompany the text.

Video Social Stories for Toilet Training

Here are lots of video social stories about potty training, wiping, and going to the bathroom. You can use these in teletherapy sessions or at home. Videos are always a great alternative to printing off a story.

Like the stories above, some of the wording in these videos aren't always great. But I wanted to make sure you had lots of different options for helping kids with toileting skills and bathroom behavior.

Need More Resources to Help with Potty Training?

Using a visual schedule alongside the above social stories is a great way to help establish potty training habits and routines. You'll love this potty training visual schedule kit (it includes a social story too!) from my friend Katie of Preschool Inspirations. She also has a Peaceful Potty Training Online course that you might be interested in as well.

Potty training visual schedule kit

Click here to get a copy of the Potty Training Visual Schedule Kit

I know that was a lot of options to choose from, but hopefully one (or a few!) of these free social stories for potty training will make things go a bit easier for you and your child. Good luck!

Free social stories for potty training, toileting, going to the bathroom, wiping, and more - includes both printable and video social stories for kids