Thursday, June 21, 2018

Free Potty Training Visual Schedules

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Free printable potty training visual routines for kids with autism.

I often hear about how frustrating the potty training process is for parents, especially parents of autistic or hyperlexic children. Just go into any online support group and it won't take you long to find a discussion about this particular topic.

One thing that is helpful when potty training autistic or hyperlexic children is using a visual support of some kind, such as a visual schedule or routine chart. There are many benefits to using visual schedules and they can be tailor made to any situation or skill you are trying to teach. So why not potty training?

These free printable potty training visual schedules for kids are hopefully going to be a lifesaver for you and your child. They will hopefully help break down all the steps involved and remind your child what comes next in the process.

Free printable potty training visual schedules for kids

Free Printable Visual Schedules for Toilet Training

I highly recommend laminating any visual schedule for toilet training because kids may touch the schedule with wet hands or even...(shudders at the thought) dirty hands. It's bound to happen so save yourself from printing a new one by laminating it ahead of time. I also recommend hanging the visual schedule up where kids can easily see it while they are sitting on the toilet.

1. Printable Bathroom Chart from Kori at Home

3. Simple Bathroom Routine from Amy Reed on Teachers Pay Teachers

4. Bathroom Visual Schedule for Boys from Autism Educators

5. Toileting Picture Cards from Do2Learn

Need More Resources to Help with Potty Training?

If the free visual schedules above didn't quite meet your needs, then try this great affordable option from my friend Katie of Preschool Inspirations. It can be used to help establish potty training habits and routines.

Potty training visual schedule kit

Other Resources You'll Love

Free printable potty training visual schedules for kids