Friday, November 22, 2019

Jingle Bell Christmas Slime

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Get ready to make some Christmas slime for kids! Find out how to make slime with this simple jingle bell Christmas slime recipe.

Nothing says Merry Christmas like slime...

Okay, not really, but this jingle bell slime is a pretty festive way to enjoy the season through sensory play. It's a perfect mix of tactile sensory play and auditory sensory input.

The itty bitty red, gold, and green bells are so so cute. Seriously, they're so tiny and have the tiniest little jingle that rings when you shake them.

I whipped up this batch of Christmas slime as a surprise for the kids as an after school activity recently and it was such a hit! It's super simple to make and I used supplies from the dollar store so it's inexpensive too. Also, just a heads up, but the clear glue from the dollar store works amazing for homemade slime. I had my doubts that it would because sometimes the craft supplies from the dollar store aren't that great.

Jingle bell slime - an easy Christmas slime recipe made with contact solution

A Christmas Slime Recipe Made with Contact Solution & Mini Jingle Bells

I'm pretty sure this Christmas slime has been the most favorite slime we've made to date.

My youngest, K, has spent hours playing with this slime. I'm convinced that this won't be considered Christmas slime for much longer. Or maybe he will think Christmas lasts for weeks or months.

And honestly, I'm as obsessed with this slime as much as he is, but for a different reason. I loved taking photos of the slime. Even if we had to take photos squished in a corner of my kitchen with giant photography lights placed on each end of the table. You gotta do whatcha gotta do when it's pitch black outside by like 4:30 PM each day, right? 

But don't worry, I'm not going to spam you with all the photos of this glorious slime...but just know I had a very hard time deciding which were my favorites out of the almost 100 photos. Eek.

Ready to learn how to make this homemade Christmas slime?

Looking for a Christmas slime recipe? Try this fun jingle bell slime! It's a fun holiday themed sensory activity that the kids will love!