Saturday, March 23, 2019

Free Printable Worry Jars

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These free printable worry jars are a helpful tool for letting your child with anxiety write down their worries and anxious thoughts. It's a great anxiety worksheet for kids!

Does your child worry a lot?

Mine does too.

These free printable worry jars are a great way to help your kids get those anxious thoughts and worries off of their mind.

Free printable worry jars for kids to write down their anxious thoughts and worries {coping with anxiety worksheets for kids}

About the Free Printable Worry Jars

This printable features four different colored worry jars. Let your child pick their favorite color jar and simply print off only that page (no need to print the others). I highly recommend laminating so that it's durable and can be reused again and again.

Just like the free printable worries worksheet, this printable allows your child to write or draw their anxious thoughts down so they can get them off of their mind.

Then your child can dump out the contents of the jar during a designated safe sharing time (aka worry time).

Download the Free Printable Worry Jars

This printable is four pages and includes four different colored worry jars so your child can pick the one that best fits their preferences. I highly recommend laminating for durability, but that is optional, of course.

To get a copy of this printable, click the link below:

>> Click here to download the free printable

Download the Digital Google Slides Version

Below you will find an interactive no print Google Slides version available for online/remote learning. To get your copy, simply click the link below. You will then be prompted to make a copy.

>> Click here to download the digital version of this printable


Free printable worry jars for kids to write down their anxious thoughts and worries {coping with anxiety worksheets for kids}