We have dealt with big emotions from both of my boys over the years, filled with angry screams and shouts.
It's okay to feel angry and we remind our children of that every time they feel angry, but it's the way in which they deal with their anger that can sometimes be problematic. So we've been teaching them a variety of coping strategies and helping them learn to model their anger and frustration in healthier ways.
And with my hyperlexic son, in particular, we have given him specific phrases or social scripts that he can say when he is feeling angry or frustrated, which helps a lot too.
Some kids, however, can get aggressive or violent when angry. They might throw punches or kick, for instance. Or they might break or damage something.
So if your child could use a little help with big emotions and self-regulation skills, then you're not alone. These 5 quick anger management strategies are simple ideas that you can implement today and start practicing with your child.
I've also included a free printable anger coping skills poster so you can keep these strategies handy.
5 Strategies for Managing Anger
1. Get Physical
When your anger starts to build, so does the adrenaline and energy in your body. Use up that extra energy by getting physical. Yep, go get active! Go for a walk or a run, jump on the trampoline, ride a bike, have a dance party, do some jumping jacks...anything goes really.
However, sometimes engaging in a more aggressive physical activities like boxing or wrestling, for instance, may actually increase your feelings of anger. So try to avoid those kind of physical activities when angry, as they may have the opposite effect then what you're aiming for.
2. Reframe the Anger
Sometimes just reframing the anger to be more positive is all it takes to help you cope with your angry feelings. Basically, telling yourself some little positive affirmations. It can be something as a simple as saying, "I can always ask for help instead of getting angry or frustrated" or "I can calm my body" is better than thinking, "I'm so angry right now."
You might find these free printable anger and frustration social scripts helpful for this too.
3. Just Breathe
Remember to just breathe too! Engaging in some deep breathing is a great way to calm your body down and cope with anger. If you need some help with deep breathing techniques, then why not try one of these 25 calm down breathing exercises and techniques.
4. Let it Out!
Use your vocal pipes to help you deal with your anger by screaming. Or better yet, talk to someone who you trust and who will listen to you vent. Tell that person why you are angry and how you feel. Just remember, the person you are venting to probably shouldn't be the same person that you're angry with or at, as it might not be as productive or you might end up hurting that person (either physically or verbally).
5. Do Something With Your Hands
There's a reason why stress balls are so popular! Squeezing something is a great way to help deal with anger. Engaging in a quiet activity like coloring or drawing is also helpful. Basically, anything that uses your hands is a great coping strategy to use when angry.
Some ideas include: playing with play dough, squeezing a pillow or stress ball, coloring in a coloring book, drawing a picture, or mixing up cookie dough.