Saturday, May 25, 2019

Calming Alphabet Sensory Bottles for Kids

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These alphabet sensory bottles are perfect for hyperlexic kids who love their ABCs or for kids just learning their letters. They're perfect for including in a calm down kit.

Adding a sensory bottle to your child's calm down/anxiety kit is a great idea, especially if those tools reflect your child's interests.

Now, if you have a hyperlexic child like I do, then your child probably has a really strong passion for the letters of the alphabet. Maybe they like other alphabets too (I'm going to guess Russian for sure here).

And I'm going to guess you own more sets of ABC manipulatives, toys, and craft supplies then you'd care to admit...(I still can't part with my son's first set of alphabet toys all these years because of the memories). Things like letter magnets, foam letters, alphabet beads, and so on.

Well, now you can reuse some of those alphabet things to make one of these amazing alphabet sensory bottles for your child's calm down kit.

Calming alphabet sensory bottles for kids - they're perfect for hyperlexic kids who love letters!

This post was updated on May 29, 2024. New ideas were added, dead/broken links were removed, and descriptions were included to make it even easier for you to find the perfect letter themed sensory bottle.

Calming Alphabet Sensory Bottles for Kids

Below you will find fun sensory bottle ideas that use water, rice, pasta, tinsel, glitter, and poly pellets, amongst other things. But all incorporate the letters of the alphabet into one bottle.

So whether you're looking for something simple or something that glows in the dark, we've got you covered with these awesome letter inspired sensory bottles.

1. Alphabet Calm Down Bottle from Preschool Inspirations - A simple, but beautiful one where the focus is purely on the colorful alphabet beads.

2. Alphabet Sensory Bottle with Rainbow Rice from The Kindergarten Connection - I like how colorful this bottle is with the dyed rice and alphabet beads. There's also a free printable you can grab to go along with this sensory bottle.

3. Letter Matching I Spy Sensory Bottle from The Kindergarten Connection (pictured) - This one uses poly pellets and alphabet beads. I bet it sounds really cool when the poly pellets move around inside.

4. Alphabet Discovery Bottle & Letter Match Game from No Time for Flash Cards - Here's another colorful one. It uses pony beads and little alphabet beads. Like the previous one, I bet this one sounds cool too.

5. Glowing Alphabet I Spy Bottle from Where Imagination Grows - Okay, this sensory bottle is really cool with the glowing letters. The letters are made similarly to our invisible letters and numbers found here.

6. Rainbow Alphabet Sensory Bottle from Modern Preschool (pictured) - This one would look amazing on a light table as it uses transparent letters.

7. Lightweight Alphabet Search Sensory Bottle from The Chaos & The Clutter - I like that this sensory bottle uses a unique material inside: tinsel! It kind of looks like a party in a bottle.

8. Magnetic Alphabet I Spy Bottle from Nuturestore - If you're a parent of a hyperlexic child, then here's a great way to use those alphabet magnets that you're probably hoarding!

9. Alphabet Pasta Sensory Bottle from Active Littles - I love the pastel colors of the dyed pasta in this sensory bottle. It's so pretty.

10. Colorful Alphabet Sensory Bottle from Life Over C's (pictured) - This one uses a mix of different colorful beads and looks fun to play with.

11. Glittery Alphabet Sensory Bottles from Fun with Mama - There are two gorgeous and glittery alphabet bottles here. One with alphabet confetti and one with transparent letters.

12. Letter Hunt Sensory Bottles from Pocket of Preschool - Here you will find three fun ideas that are all quite colorful. One uses dyed rice, another uses pom poms, and another uses rainbow loom bands.

13. Foam Alphabet Discovery Bottle from The OT Toolbox - This bottle features pink bath salts and foam letters, which if you have a hyperlexic child, you likely have a set or two of foam letters on hand anyway.

14. Magic Color Alphabet Discovery Bottle from Nerdy Mamma - This one is really interesting and unique in terms of looks. It features foam letters inside.

15. Chicka Chicka Boom Boom Alphabet Sensory Bottle from Sea of Knowledge - It's no secret that hyperlexic kids love this book so this bottle is sure to be a hit. It looks like a little coconut tree.

16. Super Simple Alphabet Sensory Bottle from Mommy Evolution - A simple combination of white rice and alphabet beads makes this one really easy to put together.

Calming alphabet sensory bottles for kids - they're perfect for hyperlexic kids who love letters!