Wednesday, May 15, 2019

The Positives of Autism

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A list of ten positives of autism and the benefits of having those autism positive traits.

Autism has a primarily negative narrative.

A quick Google search quickly confirms that.

The diagnostic manual focuses on the negatives of autism. So do the reports that parents of autistic children, like myself, receive from therapists and specialists. Negative language like "rigid" or "delayed" or "significant difficulties" are prevalent in both.

And, honestly, it's exhausting and disheartening to read because there are actually a lot of positive traits that come with being autistic.

Positives about autism

10 Positive Traits of Being Autistic

I've mentioned before that I'm thankful for my son's autism diagnosis and that there's nothing to be sorry for when it comes to being autistic, so I hope he's already picked up on the fact that there are a lot of positive traits that his autism gives him.

Like his raw honesty and straightforwardness.

And his intense passion for things like video game history or math. Or traffic lights and intersections, an interest of his that comes and goes in waves.

So please, join me as I share 10 positive traits of autism over at CBC Parents.

Positives of autism: a look at 10 positive traits of being autistic