Monday, August 26, 2019

5 Awesome Chapter Books for Older Kids that Feature Disabled or Autistic Characters

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Disability books and neurodiversity fiction for older kids.

One of my missions for 2019 is to tackle reading as many books as possible, including selections for children, teenagers, and young adults, especially books that feature disabled or autistic characters. Not only does it fill my love for reading, but it also gives me a chance to evaluate the texts that my kids might be interested in reading themselves one day. Or that a teacher might assign them to read at school.

And unfortunately, there's a lot of garbage books when it comes to disability and neurodiversity fiction.

So I think it's incredibly important to preview some of these books first to make sure they're not portraying harmful or damaging stereotypes.

So yes, I have personally read all of the chapter books on this list. In fact, these books are some of my favorite reads when it comes to fictional characters who are disabled or autistic.

Disability and autism books for kids

Disability Books & Autism Books Your Older Kids Will Love!

I've said it before and I'll say it a few more times: representation matters.

In books.

In toys.

In movies.

In ads.


Kids need to see and hear from others just like them to feel less alone.

These 5 book recommendations feature autistic kids, a female bunny superhero with a hearing aid, a dyslexic reader, and a non-verbal physically disabled girl who is incredibly intelligent. And I hope your child (or yourself) loves these books as much as I did when I read them.

A great list of disability books and autism chapter books for kids