Friday, August 09, 2019

10 Amazing DIY Sensory Wall Ideas for Kids Who Love to Touch Everything

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Make one of these DIY sensory walls or sensory boards for your child's sensory room! They're perfect for the kids who love to fidget, stim, and touch everything in sight.

Can you walk through a fabric store without running your hands along every fabric you pass?

The smooth, cool, and creamy silks.

The fluffy, cozy fleece.

The luxurious plush minky with its bumps.

Gah...I mean how can you not touch all the fabric.

My son is the same way whether he's in a fabric store or not. He's constantly fidgeting with something in his hands and has to be touching something. He just loves to touch everything he can.

Tactile sensory seeker much, right?

Well, many kids (okay, adults too - like me in the fabric store) love to touch and feel things. Like many stims, it's comforting and calming. Why not give your child a safe place to touch and feel all the things? A place for them to happily stim away!

These DIY sensory walls and sensory board ideas are the perfect solution/tool/whatever-you-want-to-call-it for tactile sensory seekers. Some of these creative ideas even offer additional sensory input via the visual and auditory systems.

DIY sensory board ideas for kids with autism

Irresistible Sensory Walls & Sensory Boards {That are Impossible Not to Touch!}

Tactile sensory seekers are going to fall in love with these insanely creative homemade sensory boards and sensory wall ideas. I mean how are you going to pick just one for your sensory room?? (runs off to make all the sensory boards...)

1. Gruffalo Inspired Sensory Board (pictured)

2. DIY Upcycled Car Dashboard Sensory Wall

3. Giant Mermaid Fabric Sensory Board from Homegrown Friends (pictured)

4. Touch & Feel Frames from Little Lifelong Learners

5. Peek-a-Boo Sensory Board from Motherhood and Other Adventures

6. DIY Sensory Boards from Fun at Home with Kids (pictured)

7. Sensory Tactile Alphabet Poster from My Mundane & Miraculous Life - Perfect for hyperlexic kids, don't you think?

8. DIY Texture Sensory Wall from The Chaos & the Clutter

9. DIY Sensory Wall Wind Chimes from Arts & Crackers - It has the added bonus of auditory sensory input!

10. Bead Chains Wall from Little Miss Kim's Class - I like the idea of hanging these in a doorway or from a curtain rod or something.

Other Sensory Room Resources You'll Love

DIY Super Mario Climbing Wall

25 Sensory Hacks for Vestibular & Proprioceptive Sensory Input

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Homemade sensory wall ideas for kids with autism