Saturday, August 03, 2019

Calming Outer Space Sensory Bottles for Kids

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Looking for some calming sensory bottles to add to a calm down kit? Try one of these outer space sensory bottles!

If you have a hyperlexic child, then you likely already know that space and planets are common interests for hyperlexic kids. It's a topic they gravitate to while quite young.

So, if your child (hyperlexic or not) also needs a bit of help with sensory regulation (or you're just looking for a nice quiet time activity to keep them busy), then these outer space sensory bottles might be just what you need.

You'll find lots of ideas below that incorporate stars and galaxy inspired colors, but some incorporate astronauts and planets. So there should be something up your child's alley below. 

Calming outer space sensory bottles for kids

This post was updated on May 23rd, 2024. New ideas were added and dead/broken links were removed. Descriptions were also added to make it even easier for you to find the perfect sensory bottle!

Calming Space Sensory Bottles for Kids

Whether your child is passionate about all things outer space or not, these sensory bottles are out of this world (so cliché, I know).

But seriously, these galaxy and space themed sensory bottles are beautiful and engaging, making them a great addition to any calm down kit, regardless of how old your kids are. So let's take a closer look at these ideas.

1. 3 Ingredient Galaxy Calm Down Bottle from Preschool Inspirations (pictured) - I love the darkness of this one combined with the glittery stars floating around. It looks really easy to make.

2. Star Wars Light Saber Sensory Bottle from Little Bins for Little Hands - These sensory bottles are so unique! They're perfect for little Star Wars fans.

3. Rainbow Galaxy Sensory Bottle from Rhythms of Play - You'll need an assortment of different colored glitter glues to make this bottle, but the end result is 100% worth it. It's gorgeous!

4. Solar System Sensory Bottle from Inspiration Laboratories (pictured) - This bottle features floating (or should I say orbiting?) planets, which is really fun.

5. Oil & Water Galaxy Sensory Bottle from Capturing Parenthood - I really love how this one looks when everything settles. Be sure to watch the video of it in action too!

6. Count the Stars Glowing Sensory Bottle from Kids Activities Blog (pictured) - This sensory bottle features glow in the dark mini stars and glow in the dark paint! It looks really cool.

7. Space Travel Sensory Bottle from STEAM Powered Family - I love how this bottle looks like the shuttle and astronaut are floating in space. It's also quite different from the others on this list that focus on making a galaxy. By the way, you can also watch a video of this bottle to see it in action.

8. Space Sensory Bottle from The Chaos & The Clutter - If you're looking for an idea that doesn't use water as the base, then give this one a try. It features black gravel/sand as the filler. This bottle almost acts like an I spy game.

9. Galaxy in a Bottle from Little Passports - I love how these ones look with the cotton balls inside. I also like how they made the lids look more space themed with some tin foil.

10. Galaxy in a Jar from Lemon Lime Adventures - I really like the color of this sensory bottle as it's a nice deep purple. Plus, it looks really simple to make.

11. Galaxy Sensory Bottle from Mom Life and Media - The holographic bottle used for this calm down bottle is SO cool! It really makes the galaxy pop.

There are so many cool outer space sensory bottles on this list to try. Which one are you going to try recreating?

Calming outer space sensory bottles for kids