Thursday, September 05, 2019

How to Help an Anxious Child with Their Back to School Anxiety

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Help your anxious child with their back to school anxiety or worries with these helpful tips and strategies!

The back to school season brings up a lot of emotions for both parents and kids. Happiness and excitement for some. Sadness for others.

And then anxiety for a few, like my son.

Once September approaches, the back to school worries set in and my son's anxiety kicks into high gear. He starts telling us that he doesn't want to go back to school and there are a lot of tears involved in those discussions.

But his anxiety about returning to school has definitely decreased over the past couple of years (thankfully). Amazing considering it felt like he - and I - would never survive his grade two school year. So while his back to school anxiety has lessened, it's still there and the flashbacks to that year still occur.

So how exactly do you help an anxious child manage their back to school anxiety?

Tips for helping with back to school worries

How to Help Your Child with Back to School Worries

There are lots of different ways you can help your child work through their worries. And I'm going to show you my favorite ways to do just that.

Yes, these are the methods and ideas that we do ourselves. The strategies that worked really well for us. The strategies that we still implement today to help him manage his anxiety about other things, namely his anxiety about weather.

It's all about connecting, validating, and teaching. And I'm going to show you how over on CBC Parents.

Tips for helping with back to school anxiety