Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Who Should You Share Your Child's Diagnosis With?

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Wondering how to tell your family and friends that your child has autism? Well, here's who really needs to know about your child's autism diagnosis.

If your child has a diagnosis, you've likely wondered who to tell.

Should your friends know?

Should your family know?

What about your child's coach or music teacher?

It's a tricky question to answer and will vary from family to family, but there are a few people who should definitely know about the diagnosis. So I'm going to dive in and explore the question, "Who should you share your child's autism diagnosis with?"

Telling friends your child has autism - who really needs to know about your child's autism diagnosis

Here's Who Needs to Know About Your Child's Autism Diagnosis

Now, obviously, since I blog about hyperlexia and autism, I'm a bit more open than most people on the topic of sharing a diagnosis. So I have to admit that I was a bit hesitant to write about this particular topic simply because I knew I was going to be called a hypocrite or be blasted for it considering I blog about it.

However, I knew sharing this information would be helpful for some people, so that trumps a few negative comments here or there any time.

Then I saw the title my editor chose for the final piece and I was like, "OMG, I'm definitely going to get backlash in their comments." because the title was just so ironic.

And seriously, the comments didn't disappoint in the first week...

But seriously, I shouldn't read the comments in the first place anyway, right?


When it comes to telling people about your child's diagnosis, there are only three people who really need to know. I'm going to share who those people are and why over on CBC Parents. Plus, I'm going to share six questions you can ask first to determine whether or not someone needs to know.

And just remember, I did not pick the final title you'll see there, but maybe you will get a good chuckle from the irony of it like my husband and I did.

Sharing an autism diagnosis - who should you share your child's diagnosis with?