Thursday, December 19, 2019

Sensory Friendly New Year's Eve Ideas for Kids

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Looking for autism or sensory friendly New Year's Eve ideas for kids? Then you'll love these 8 ideas and New Year's activities.

It can be challenging to survive the holidays when there is so much sensory information being pummeled at your sensory or autistic child. Halloween is overwhelming. So is Christmas and New Year's. And they're all back-to-back. It's exhausting!

But there are ways to make every holiday more sensory friendly and inclusive, without having to avoid the holidays completely.

So I'm sharing some sensory friendly New Year's eve ideas and activities for kids in hopes that you can still celebrate without the overwhelm and without the meltdowns or shutdowns.

Autism and sensory friendly New Year's eve ideas for kids

New Year's Eve Ideas for Kids that are Sensory Friendly

My general go-to advice for parenting autistic children through the holidays is to always keep things simple and low key. And to always consider your child's sensory needs and preferences since every child is unique.

And you should always try to prepare your child for special events and occasions with social stories or this visual schedule activity planner to help your child with the changes in routines.

Then you'll be ready to give one of these simple New Year's eve ideas a try!

New Year's Eve ideas for kids that are autism and sensory friendly