Monday, March 16, 2020

Free Printable Stimming Social Story

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Looking for social stories? Then you'll love this free printable social story about stimming. It's perfect for helping autistic kids understand their own autistic traits.

There's lots of reasons to tell your child they're autistic, but I think it's also important to show them what it means to be autistic. That includes helping your child understand their own unique autistic traits, such as stimming.

This free printable social story explains autistic stimming to kids, highlighting some of its benefits.

Free printable social story for kids with autism about stimming

About the Free Printable Stimming Social Story

This social story is all about the autistic trait of stimming and teaches your kids all about why stimming can be helpful. Or it might be perfect for sharing with any therapist who tries to stop your child's stimming...😉

Also, it is really hard to find good photos of something that might resemble stimming. I tried my best to use as many diverse kids as I could, but it was a challenge!

I highly suggest laminating the social story for durability. You can use binder rings to keep the social story together or store it in a binder. As an alternative to laminating, you could use sheet protectors in a binder. Or if you find yourself printing off lots of social stories, then this binding machine is a lifesaver!

Free printable social story for kids with autism about stimming

Download the Free Printable Social Story About Stimming

This printable is 11 pages long and includes full color photos paired with the text. It includes a page with a written script, as well as a page for your child to list some of their favorite ways to stim.

To get a copy of this social story, click the link below:

>> Click here to download the social story


Free printable social story for kids with autism about stimming