Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Free Printable Social Story About Choosing What to Wear

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Looking for social stories? Then you'll love this free printable what clothes to wear social story. It's perfect for encouraging kids to know how to pick out the right types of clothing to wear for the season, weather, and/or event.

Picking out clothing to wear, if you break it down, really requires a lot of thought.

You have to consider the weather, the season, the feel of the clothing, what you'll be doing, what event you'll be attending, and so much more.

No wonder it can be an overwhelming process for so many kids.

Well, this free social story about choosing what to wear is designed to help kids understand what types of clothing are best suited for certain types of weather and seasons so that it can be a whole lot less overwhelming to pick out an outfit to wear for the day.

Free printable social story about how to pick what clothing to wear when getting dressed

About the Free Printable Deciding What to Wear Social Story

This social story is all about how to pick clothes to wear that match the season, weather, and/or event.

I highly suggest laminating the social story for durability. You can use binder rings to keep the social story together or store it in a binder. As an alternative to laminating, you could use sheet protectors in a binder. Or if you find yourself printing off lots of social stories, then this binding machine is a lifesaver!

Free printable social story about how to pick what clothing to wear when getting dressed

Download the Free Printable Social Story About Choosing What to Wear

This printable is 12 pages long and includes full color photos paired with the text. It also includes photos showcasing examples of different clothing options for different weather.

To get a copy of this social story, click the link below:

>> Click here to download the social story


Free printable social story about how to pick what clothing to wear when getting dressed