Thursday, June 04, 2020

Free Number Themed Therapy at Home Activity Guide

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Free number themed therapy at home activity guide for parents and therapists.

For many kids with hypernumeracy, numbers are life. I mean we've done our fair share of number and math activities over the years (think of all the ones that didn't make it to the blog!) because my son adores numbers. Still does.

That's why I had to make a number themed therapy at home pack.

But, I have to be honest, it was HARD to find activities on this theme. There's not exactly a lot of number themed emotions activities or social skills activities out there. And there's hardly any speech activities that are number themed. It was a bit disheartening, but I did manage to find enough activities to fit all the categories of this free number themed therapy at home activity guide.

And I hope your number loving kiddos love it!

Number themed activities for kids that can be done as therapy at home

Number Themed Therapy at Home Activity Guide for Kids

This activity guide is meant to help you do therapy at home by incorporating sensory diet activities into your child's day and working on fine motor, emotional, social, and speech/language skills.

It is not meant to replace traditional therapy.

It is more of a lesson plan of sorts for parents to use at home and for therapists to share with the families they serve, especially during this period of distance and remote learning.

All of the printables included in this guide are free to print.

I've also included a free PDF version of this activity guide (download at the bottom of the post), complete with clickable links, so that you can save it to your phone, share it with your clients, or whatnot. The format is based on my free Weekly Autism Planner printable. Here's what activities are included:

Vestibular & Proprioceptive Sensory Activities
Tactile Sensory Activities
Visual Sensory Activities
Oral Motor Activities
Auditory Sensory Activities
Emotions & Self Regulation Activities
Fine Motor Activities & Crafts
Speech & Language Activities
Social Skills Activities
Bonus Ideas

Free number themed therapy at home activity guide for parents and therapists

Download the Free Therapy at Home Activity Guide PDF

This four page printable is a one-stop shop of all of the 30+ activity ideas from above, spanning the 10 different target skills/areas. There's more than enough activity ideas to last you an entire week.

To get your copy, simply click the link below.

>> Click here to download the free printable


Free number themed therapy at home activity guide for parents and therapists