Thursday, August 20, 2020

Free Printable Self Advocacy Scripts

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These free printable self advocacy scripts help autistic and hyperlexic individuals learn how to be a self advocate.

It's primarily parents who have to advocate for their autistic and hyperlexic children in the younger years, but one day, that child will need to be able to advocate for themselves on their own as well. 

It's an important skill to learn how to self advocate, which means, at some point, you've got to give your child the tools they need to be able to do so. And kids are never too young to start advocating for themselves.

These free self advocacy scripts are a great starting point for kids, teens, and even adults, as it provides the language they need to be able to advocate for their wants, needs, and dislikes. 

Free printable self advocacy scripts that teach kids, teens, and adults how to advocate for themselves and their needs

About these Free Self Advocacy Scripts

These social scripts cards use the same format as the other social scripts. They're small enough to fit in the palm of a hand or in a pocket so they can be taken on the go and/or used discretely.

Their main purpose is to give autistic and hyperlexic individuals - regardless of age - the prompts they need to communicate their wants, needs, and preferences.

You'll also find scripts to teach kids, teens, and adults to negate, which is an important part of self advocacy. It's just as important to ask for what you need as it is to set up boundaries, say no, and tell people to stop doing things that make you uncomfortable.

Download the Free Self Advocacy Scripts

This printable is seven pages. Blank cards have been included as well so that you can write down your own and customize the scripts to fit your needs.

Simply print, cut, and assemble the cards into little books so you can take them on the go, include them in a calm down corner, etc. You can either staple them together or hole punch and put on a key ring.

To get a copy of this printable, click the link below:

>> Click here to download this free printable


Want More Social Scripts?

You'll find even more topics in the social scripts bundle.

Social scripts bundle

Click here to get your copy of the social scripts bundle

Free printable self advocacy scripts that teach kids, teens, and adults how to advocate for themselves and their needs