Thursday, October 15, 2020

Free Printable Mario Question Block Deep Breathing Exercise for Kids

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Inspired by square breathing, this free printable Mario question block deep breathing exercise is perfect for kids!

I'm a huge advocate of using your child's interests as a hook to engage your child in learning other things. 

This Mario question block deep breathing exercise for kids is a perfect example. It takes my kids' interest in Mario to teach self-regulation and coping skills. That means, teaching something like deep breathing is instantly more appealing to my kids because they recognize that it's Mario themed.

Also, fun fact: I made my oldest son a question block cake this year for his birthday. One day I'll post it on the blog...

Square breathing exercise for kids inspired by Mario question block

About this Mario Themed Deep Breathing Technique

It's probably pretty obvious at this point that this deep breathing exercise for kids is inspired by the famous question mark block from the Mario franchise...

You can also quickly tell it's based on the popular square breathing technique, where you follow the outline of a square, breathing in and out. In this exercise, you start by breathing in for 4 counts. Then you hold. Then you breathe out for 4 counts. And finally, you rest.

But don't worry, everything is outlined on the printable poster, which you can find below.

Free printable Mario themed deep breathing exercise for kids that's based on the square breathing technique

Download the Free Printable Mario Inspired Deep Breathing Exercise for Kids

This one page printable outlines how to use this deep breathing technique. It includes written instructions and visual guides/cues to help you or your child use the technique.

I highly recommend laminating the poster for durability. Then feel free to include it in a calm down kit or calm down corner.

To get a copy of this printable, click the link below:

>> Click here to download the free printable


Free printable Mario themed deep breathing exercise for kids that's based on the square breathing technique