Friday, October 02, 2020

What is a KWL Chart and How Can it Help Hyperlexic Kids with their Comprehension?

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What is a KWL chart and how can it help hyperlexic kids with their comprehension? Below you'll learn what the purpose of a KWL chart is. Free KWL chart printables included.

The biggest challenge for a lot of hyperlexic learners is the comprehension piece. They often need a lot of support in this area. 

But what makes working on comprehension particularly challenging is that comprehension is made up of so many things. There are so many skills that you can be simultaneously working on, which might seem overwhelming. However, on the flip side, that means there are multiple different strategies and tools that you can use to work on comprehension.

Graphic organizers are just one tool that can be used, just like activating prior knowledge and schema is one strategy you can use. Now, a KWL chart is a great combination of the two.

But what is a KWL chart exactly? And how can it help hyperlexic kids with their comprehension? Well, that's what you'll learn below. Plus, I've included some free KWL graphic organizers that you can use with your hyperlexic child.

Free KWL charts & how they can help hyperlexic kids with their comprehension

What is a KWL Chart?

A KWL chart is a graphic organizer that can be used to organize information. KWL stands for Know, Want to know, and Learn. It can be a great tool for activating schema or prior knowledge and for checking comprehension and understanding.

To make a KWL chart, you need to make three columns, one for each letter of the KWL acronym. But don't worry, I have some free printable KWL graphic organizers for you to download below. Some digital versions too.

How Does a KWL Chart Work?

Before reading, you encourage kids to make a list of things they already know about the topic, as well as anything they want to know about that topic. Then after reading, they can make a list of things they learned about the topic.

What is the Purpose of a KWL Chart?

You can use KWL charts to:

  • Help kids organize information
  • Activate schema and background knowledge (and thus, increase comprehension!)
  • Recall knowledge
  • Track learning
  • Reveal whether or not there are gaps in understanding
  • Get kids interested and engaged in a new topic

Why You Should Use KWL Charts with Hyperlexic Kids

If you're already familiar with how hyperlexic kids learn, then you know that it's important to support their language learning by using written language. You know they learn best visually. 

That's why using graphic organizers, such as KWL charts, can be extremely helpful for hyperlexic children. It plays to their strengths.

Besides, comprehension difficulties are common in hyperlexic kids. So one of the main reasons you want to use KWL charts with hyperlexic kids is to help activate that schema and background knowledge. Doing so can help boost their comprehension and understanding.

The first two columns of the KWL chart are designed to encourage hyperlexic kids to really think about what they know and make connections, if they can. It gets them thinking about the topic ahead of time and helps prime them for learning before reading the book.

The third column can reveal whether or not there are gaps in their comprehension. You can use it as a tool to check whether or not they understand the main points of the book.

Download the Free KWL Graphic Organizers {Printable & Digital Versions}

This freebie includes: 3 printable KWL charts without lines, 3 printable KWL charts with lines, and 3 different digital Google Slides versions. You get to pick which design and format best suits your needs.

To get your copy, click the link below.

>> Click here to download the free printable


Looking for More Graphic Organizers?

You'll find even more graphic organizers for reading and writing in the graphic organizers bundle pack.

Graphic Organizers Bundle Pack

Click here to get your copy of the graphic organizers bundle pack

Free KWL charts & how they can help hyperlexic kids with their comprehension