Friday, November 06, 2020

Free Printable Answering WH Questions Cheat Sheet

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This free printable WH questions cheat sheet gives examples of how to answer different types WH questions. It's a great tool for supporting comprehension.

When it comes to teaching WH questions to hyperlexic kids, it's important to teach them directly. That includes teaching them both how to ask and how to answer WH questions. 

One of the ways to do that is to give them a visual support that shows examples or lists out how to answer each type of question. Having it all written out is so helpful for hyperlexic kids.

That's where this free printable answering WH questions cheat sheet comes in. 

It takes these WH question word cards one (very detailed) step further by giving clear examples of possible answers for a variety of WH questions. And I'm talking beyond who, what, where, when, why, and how here. Those types of questions are just a small sampling of possible WH questions your child will encounter.

This free printable WH questions cheat sheet gives examples of how to answer different types WH questions. It's great for supporting comprehension!

About this Answering Wh Questions Cheat Sheet

This cheat sheet breaks down 18 different types of WH questions and variants, including:

  • Who questions
  • Whose questions
  • What questions, including: What kind/type? What time? What for?
  • Why questions
  • When questions
  • Where questions
  • Which questions
  • How questions, including How much? How many? How old? How long? How often? How far? How come?

Then it gives concrete and specific ways to answer each.

This free printable WH questions cheat sheet gives examples of how to answer different types WH questions. It's great for supporting comprehension!

For instance, we know "who" questions are asking for information about a person, but that could be the name of a person (real or imaginary), an animal, an occupation, a role, a description, a title, or even a pronoun.

So your child can scan the list for the type of WH question they are being asked and then look at the possible ways to answer it and (hopefully!) feel more confident formulating a response. Or, alternatively, if they are wanting to ask a specific question, they could look at the answer column and use those examples as a clue for which WH question word to use when asking a question.

This free printable WH questions cheat sheet gives examples of how to answer different types WH questions. It's great for supporting comprehension!

Download the Free Printable Answering WH Questions Cheat Sheet

This printable includes two pages of types of WH questions along with possible ways to answer each. It would be great to print double-sided and laminate for durability. Then it can be kept handy at school or at home.

To get a copy of this printable, click the link below:

>> Click here to download this free printable


This free printable WH questions cheat sheet gives examples of how to answer different types WH questions. It's great for supporting comprehension!