Tuesday, August 09, 2022

Is it Hyperlexia or Just a Special Interest in Letters?

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Do you have a child who's obsessed with the alphabet? Are you wondering if that means they're hyperlexic? Here's how to tell if it's simply a special interest in letters or if it's part of hyperlexia.

For many hyperlexic children, the alphabet is one of their first loves. 

By around 18 months, they've often mastered all the letters and become deeply fascinated with them, wanting to play with letters all the time.

Actually, this fascination with letters as a young toddler is one of the first signs of hyperlexia that many parents notice. 

However, an intense interest in letters alone doesn't necessarily mean that a child is hyperlexic. Other traits have to be in place for them to be considered hyperlexic. Instead, they might simply have a special interest in letters.

So what's the difference between a special interest in letters and hyperlexia? There's one easy way to tell.

Hyperlexia vs a special interest in letters

Quote: An intense interest in letters alone doesn't necessarily mean that a child is hyperlexic. Other traits have to be in place for them to be considered hyperlexic.

Hyperlexia vs. a Special Interest in Letters: What's the Difference?

If a child is extremely interested in letters, but not yet reading, they are not considered hyperlexic. Instead, they simply have a special interest or passion for letters.

However, if they are fascinated with letters and are self-taught readers, then they would be considered hyperlexic. 

It's the presence of this self-taught reading ability that differentiates hyperlexia from a special interest in letters.

However, the fascination with letters could eventually still lead to self-taught reading and then, at that point, it could be considered hyperlexia. Assuming it meets the other criteria for hyperlexia of course. After all, hyperlexia is more than just early reading. 

In other words, a child's special interest in letters could be a sign of something more to come, but it may not either. Some kids just really love letters and that's all it is. But for others, it's an early sign that they are a hyperlexic learner. Time will tell in this case.

Quote: A child's special interest in letters could be a sign of something more to come, but it may not either. Some kids just really love letters and that's all it is. But for others, it's an early sign that they are a hyperlexic learner.

Here's a simple flowchart to help you quickly tell if it's just a special interest in letters or if it's more of a hyperlexic trait.

Flowchart: is it hyperlexia or just a special interest in letters?

One Important Note on Letter Fascinations in Hyperlexia

While many hyperlexic kids are fascinated by letters, the intensity of their interest can vary widely. That means that some hyperlexic kids might be quite passionate or even obsessive while others might be only mildly interested in letters. 

Quote: While many hyperlexic kids are fascinated by letters, the intensity of their interest can vary widely.

So keep in mind that hyperlexia itself doesn't guarantee that a child will have a special interest in letters. 

In other words, it's possible to be hyperlexic and not have an intense fascination with letters. 

However, most hyperlexic children will have this intense interest with letters. But remember, as discussed above, not all kids with a special interest in letters are hyperlexic.

Is it hyperlexia or just a special interest in letters? A look at how a special interest in letters isn't the same as being hyperlexic.