Thursday, August 01, 2024

Free Social Stories About Making Mistakes

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A collection of free social stories about making mistakes. Printable and video social stories for kids are included below.

Everyone makes mistakes. However, it takes time to learn how to accept mistakes, take responsibility and ownership, and learn from those mistakes. And many most kids need support in this area.

So, if you're wanting to teach your child that it's okay to make mistakes, then these free social stories about making mistakes might come in handy.

Using social narratives like these are a great way to reinforce a growth mindset and teach different strategies that your child could try. So, let's take a closer look at what's available.

Free social stories about making mistakes

Free Social Stories About Making Mistakes

Have you been looking for a social story that teach kids it's okay to make mistakes? Then look no further than these free printable making mistakes social stories. Some require you to have a Teachers Pay Teachers account (which is free!) before you can download them.

I've rounded up some options for you to explore. That way you can find the best making mistakes related social story for yourself or your child. Or you can simply use ideas from different stories below to write your own custom story (free social story templates here to help).

Please note that just because a social story is listed here does not mean I endorse its content. After all, many social stories tend to be poorly written and/or teach autistic masking. Besides, I haven't read all of these stories word for word myself. So please read through the stories carefully before using them.

1. 3 Social Stories About Being Wrong & Making Mistakes from Happy Learners - There are three stories here that talk about different types of mistakes. These stories are text only and do not include images of any kind.

2. It's OK to Make a Mistake Social Story by SEN Resource Source on TPT - This 9 page story features colorful clipart and discusses making mistakes at school, including ways to overcome those mistakes.

3. Adults Help Children Fix Mistakes Social Story from Carol Gray Social Stories - Here's a 6 page social story about getting help from adults when a child makes a mistake.

4. Accidents & Mistakes Happen Social Story from Stacey Lella Souravlis on TPT - This story is 10 pages and uses lots of colorful clipart images. I personally find it really busy with all the clipart, fancy fonts, and bright background colors. However, it looks like it might come with a Google Slides version that you can hopefully edit.

5. Making Mistakes Social Story from OT with Tee on TPT - Here's a short story that features some colorful clipart and talks about how it's okay to make mistakes, especially when you're learning. It looks like it offers strategies too.

6. It's OK to Make Mistakes Social Story from Super Social Worker on TPT - This story features some colorful clipart and talks about making mistakes at school.

7. Making Mistakes Social Story from Sarah Baumann on TPT - This story comes as a Google Slides deck so it might be editable, but I'm not sure if it included images of any kind. It looks like it might focus on getting answers wrong at school.

8. It's Okay to Make a Mistake Social Story from 1Teacher2Another on TPT - By the looks of things, this story is primarily text. Yet, it seems to offer some strategies kids can use.

9. Social Story on Making Mistakes (Editable) from April Ebbinger on TPT - This story comes as a Word document so it is editable. It includes instructions on how to customize it.

10. It's Okay to Make Mistakes Social Narrative from Sarah Thompson-Samec on TPT - It looks like this story might be editable as well since it comes as a Word document. It uses simple text and colorful icon style images.

11. Making a Mistake Social Story from Social Stories: Power Tool for Autism - This story offers some examples of where you might make mistakes and strategies to try. It includes three photos and one clipart image.

12. It's OK to Make Mistakes One Page Social Story from Jaime V on TPT - Here's a super simplistic story that's only one page so it's pretty basic. It features two clipart images.

13. Making Mistakes Social Story from Boardmaker - A simple one page story that uses Boardmaker clipart.

Video Social Stories & Songs that Teach Kids it's Okay to Make a Mistake

Here are some video social stories that talk about how it's okay to make mistakes. You can use these in teletherapy sessions, social skills groups, at home, and/or classroom settings. Videos are always a great alternative to printing off a story.

Like the stories above, some of the wording in these videos aren't always great. But I wanted to make sure you had lots of different options for helping your child understand that everyone makes mistakes.

Well, that's it for our list of free social stories about making mistakes. Hopefully, you were able to find a couple that will work for your needs.

Free social stories about making mistakes