Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Free Printable I Need a Break Cards

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These free printable I need a break cards are great for teaching self-advocacy skills and supporting regulation.

Sometimes kids - okay, teens and adults too! - get overwhelmed and need to take a break.

However, it can be hard to ask for a break when you need one. Especially if you're non-speaking, experience situational mutism, or have difficulties with expressive language. Or sometimes the environment (e.g., school) itself makes it challenging to communicate that you need a break, simply because there's so much else going on.

Well, that's where these I need a break cards come in handy. They're a great way to advocate for oneself and ask for a break. And they make for a great visual for a variety of settings.

So, let's take a closer look at these little break cards, what's included, and how or when you can use them.

These free printable I need a break cards for kids are great for teaching self-advocacy and regulation skills

About These Free Printable I Need a Break Cards

This set of cards are perfect for kids, teens, or adults who may need help asking for a break, whether that's at home, at school, at work, or while out and about.

You can simply grab a card and show it whenever you are feeling overwhelmed, stressed, tired, etc. instead of having to rely on mouth words.

In total, there are 40 different cards in this set, including:

  • 17 black and white cards that feature an icon paired with the text "I need a break." and one card that is text only
  • 2 black and white cards that feature an icon paired with the text "I need a sensory break."
  • 2 black and white cards that feature an icon paired with the text "I need a quiet break."
  • 2 black and white cards that feature an icon paired with the text "I need a movement break."
  • 8 color cards featuring girl clipart paired with the above four phrases (2 cards per phrase)
  • 8 color cards featuring boy clipart paired with the above four phrases (2 cards per phrase)

You certainly don't need to print all of these cards off. Just print off the pages that will be the most relevant to your needs.

Then, once you've printed them off, cut and laminate for durability. Then keep the cards accessible, whether that's on your child's desk at school or home, on a lanyard, in your purse, in your pocket, etc.

Examples of When to Use these Break Cards

These break cards are versatile and can be used for a wide variety of situations and environments. For example, you could use them:

  • At school, especially during a loud classroom or school activity (e.g., assemblies)
  • During speech or occupational therapy
  • In environments with strong sensory stimuli (e.g., concerts, shopping malls, grocery store)
  • During long lessons at school or meetings at work
  • In crowded or busy environments
  • On field trips
  • When instructions are overwhelming
  • During homework or studying
  • In different social situations (e.g., play dates, weddings, family gatherings), especially if they are new or unfamiliar
  • When you feel a meltdown or sensory overload is close
  • When overstimulated
  • While traveling or on vacation

Basically, if it's a situation or environment that is known to be overwhelming or is unfamiliar, then it's a good idea to keep one of these break cards handy.

Examples of when to use break cards

Download the Free Printable Break Cards

This printable pack is five pages long and has 8 cards per page for a total of 40 break cards for students. There are three pages that are black and white and two pages that are color.

Simply print the pages that best suit your needs. Then cut and laminate the cards for durability.

To get a copy of the I need a break cards, click the link below:

>> Click here to download this free printable


These free printable I need a break cards for kids are great for teaching self-advocacy skills and supporting regulation