Everyone's brain is different and unique and we should be celebrating differences. After all, neurodiversity is a fact of life.
This free my amazing brain printable is a great way for kids to show off what makes their brain awesome. It encourages them to think about what makes their brain different and unique.
You can use this printable as an activity for an all about me unit or as an activity for Neurodiversity Celebration Week. Or you can use it just to build some confidence with your child.
About this My Amazing Brain Printable Pack
While I originally created this printable as part of a Neurodiversity Celebration Week activity, it can really be used any day of the year as a way to build self-esteem and confidence with kids. Or you could use it as part of an all about me unit at school.
You could also use this printable as part of your ongoing conversations with your child about their neurodivergence, like when you're telling them they're autistic or hyperlexic, for instance.
Regardless of how or when you want to use this printable, the goal is to help kids show off and celebrate what makes their brain amazing and unique. It's about highlighting strengths, interests, thoughts, skills, and preferences by using words, images, drawings, and colors that best represent the child.
How to Use this Printable That Celebrates Neurodiversity
To use this printable, simply decorate the brain with things that make your brain unique and amazing. That might be things that represent your interests, your abilities, your preferences, your thoughts, your skills...whatever makes you you! You could try decorating it with:
- Drawings
- Handwritten words
- Stickers
- Craft items (e.g., glitter, pom poms, foam shapes, ribbons, craft feathers, buttons)
- Words clipped out of newspapers or magazines
- Images clipped out of newspapers or magazines
- Photos
- Stamps
- Words typed out with a label maker
- Paint, crayons, markers, gel pens, or similar in a variety of colors
The possibilities are endless really! The goal is to try and represent your unique brain as best as you can with a wide variety of images, colors, words, and materials.