Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Free Printable Neurodiversity Coloring Bookmarks

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Free printable neurodiversity coloring bookmarks. They're perfect for Neurodiversity Celebration Week or Autism Acceptance Month.

As far as I'm concerned, you can never have enough bookmarks. But...I also always have multiple books on the go so I kind of need multiple bookmarks.

Anyway, since it's currently Neurodiversity Celebration Week, why not print off and color some of these awesome neurodiversity coloring bookmarks! They feature inclusive phrases paired with brain and floral clipart.

Ready to celebrate neurodiversity and promote inclusion while you read? Then these are for you!

Free printable neurodiversity coloring bookmarks

About these Neurodiversity Coloring Page Bookmarks

Below, you will find eight coloring page bookmarks, in two orientations, that celebrate neurodiversity and brains of all kinds. Each bookmark is 8" x 2.5" and features clipart paired with simple neurodiversity related phrases. The phrases included are:

  • Celebrate neurodiversity
  • Neurodiversity is beautiful.
  • The world needs all kinds of minds.
  • All brains are beautiful

You can color these bookmarks during Neurodiversity Celebration Week, Autism Acceptance Month, or similar themed events. But you can also really use them any day of the year as a way to promote inclusion and celebrate neurodiversity.

Once colored, feel free to laminate them for durability. Here's the laminator I use and love. You could also hole punch and attach a ribbon to the finished bookmark if you'd like.

Download the Free Neurodiversity Coloring Bookmarks

This printable pack is two pages total and includes a total of eight different bookmarks designs, with two different orientations. There are four that are meant to be read horizontally and four that are designed to be read upright.

To get your copy of the neurodiversity coloring bookmarks, click the link below:

>> Click here to download the free printable


Free printable neurodiversity coloring bookmarks