Autism & Sleep Resources for Parents

A collection of autism and sleep resources for parents. Below you'll find different bedtime routine printables, tips, and strategies to try.

If you have been struggling with sleep at your house, then you are in the right spot. You've maybe wondered about bedtime routines or sensory considerations. Or maybe you've even asked one of the following questions:

  • "Why does my autistic child have trouble falling asleep?"
  • "How can I help my autistic child settle down for sleep?"
  • "How come my autistic child won't sleep alone in their own bed?"
  • "How can I create a sensory-friendly sleep environment?"

Well, hopefully, you'll be able to find some practical strategies and tips below to help with some of these common sleep issues and challenges. You'll also find tools to help establish a consistent bedtime routine.

So let's take a closer look at these autism and sleep resources for parents.

Autism and sleep resources for parents

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Common Autism Sleep Issues

Sleep issues are quite common in autism. There are a variety of challenges that families might face when it comes to bedtime and sleep, such as:

  • Difficulty falling asleep due to anxiety, hyperarousal, or changes in routine
  • Frequently waking up during the middle of the night
  • Sensory sensitivities to the environment (e.g., lighting, noise, or temperature), bedding, or clothing
  • Waking up too early
  • Co-occurring sleep disorders

So, you're not alone if you have an autistic child who has difficulties falling asleep and staying asleep. There are lots of other families experiencing the same things you are. You'll hopefully find some strategies and ideas below to help.

Common examples of autism sleep issues

Autism & Sleep Resources for Parents

Need tips, ideas, and practical strategies for supporting your autistic child and their sensory needs at bedtime? Well, that's what this section is for.

Bedtime Routine Printables for Kids

Establishing a bedtime routine for your autistic child can make a huge difference. You can use the following resources to do so. From social stories to visual supports, we've got you covered. Before you know it, you'll create a bedtime routine that works for your child and your family.

I know there aren't a ton of resources about autism and sleep here yet. So, be sure to check back occasionally for new updates.

Autism and sleep resources for parents