Fun & Creative Birthday Cake Tutorials

Looking for creative birthday cakes for kids? Check out these awesome birthday cake tutorials!

One of my absolute favorite birthday traditions for my boys is making them a custom birthday cake. They tell me what they want for a cake and and I try to make that a reality. The only exceptions were their first couple of cakes as babies when they didn't really have a strong preference.

Making these birthday cakes is something that I love to do. To see their reactions when the cake is finished is 100% worth all the effort (and all the sugar I ingest while icing).

Over the years, I've made video game consoles, number/math related cakes, a cake inspired by wooden alphabet blocks, Pokemon cakes, animals, a Mario question block...the list goes on an on! And I always like the challenge of trying to make their requested cake designs come to life.

Below you will find just a handful of the birthday cakes I have made over the years, including detailed birthday cake tutorials. That way, if you want to try recreating them, you can.

Looking for creative birthday cakes for kids? Check out these awesome birthday cake tutorials!

Fun Birthday Cake Tutorials

Just some of the cool birthday cakes that I have made for my boys (and one for my niece!) over the years. From Pokemon and Paw Patrol to Minecraft and Patrick from Spongebob, you'll find detailed instructions so you can try making your own.

Most of the following cake tutorials are really simple to make. The only exception would be Rayquaza. That one was a lot of work! So, if you're just a beginner, start with the other cake tutorials.

There are lots of other cool birthday cakes that I have made for my boys (as well as my one niece!) over the years that haven't yet made it to the blog. Maybe one day they will (doubtful). In the meantime, though, I hope you found these birthday cake tutorials fun to look at or try out.

Looking for creative birthday cakes for kids? Check out these awesome birthday cake tutorials!