Neurodiversity & Autism Book Lists for Parents & Kids

Book lists for parents and kids about autism, neurodiversity, hyperlexia, sensory processing, anxiety, and other related topics.

It's no secret that I love to read. If you follow me on Instagram, then you already know that. (Psst...I share mini reviews of all books I finish to my Instagram stories and save them to yearly highlights on my profile. So if that's something that interests you, be sure to connect with me there. I also sometimes discuss quotes from books on Threads.)

Naturally, some topics that I love to read about a lot are autism and neurodiversity.

And sometimes I like to compile these read books into handy dandy book lists, like the ones below. (Admittedly, I'm not great at updating those book lists nor am I great at adding new favorites as I discover them - seriously, watching my Instagram stories is the way to go!)

If you like to read too and you'd like to learn more about autism, hyperlexia, neurodiversity, or parenting related topics, then these book lists are for you!

You'll find some book lists that are geared towards kids below as well.

Book lists for parents and kids about autism, neurodiversity, hyperlexia, sensory processing, anxiety, and other related topics

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Neurodiversity, Autism, Sensory Processing, & Parenting Book Lists

In this section, you will find book lists dedicated to topics such as neurodiversity, hyperlexia, autism, sensory processing, and more (basically all the topics we cover here on the blog!), including both fiction and non-fiction suggestions.

Some of these book lists are geared towards parents in particular, while others are geared towards autistic teens. So, no matter who you are, what age you are, or what topic you'd like to learn more about, there's something for you here.

Book Lists for Kids

Below you will find a variety of book lists that are geared towards kids, from picture books to chapter books.

The topics of the following book lists range from teaching mindfulness or better understanding what autism means to books about anxiety or popular interests of hyperlexic kids, such as numbers and math.

That's it for our book lists here. New book lists will hopefully be added in the future so check back occasionally for new updates.

Book lists for parents and kids about autism, neurodiversity, hyperlexia, sensory processing, anxiety, and other related topics