Grandparent Resources

I loved spending time with my grandparents as a child and I have such fond memories, so I'm so pleased to have such passionate grandparents like yourself as part of the And Next Comes L community. Your unconditional love and support is so valuable. More than I can express really! 

Grandparents who put in the effort to understand and embrace their grandchildren for they who they are truly special. Seriously, so many parents would love to have support like yours in their life, but that isn't always the reality.

So I'm proud of all the grandparents (like yourself!) that are going above and beyond to learn everything they can to best support their grandchildren and their families. You are awesome (in case no one has told you recently).

The goal here is to:

Help you understand your grandchild's neurodivergence so you can better connect with them in more meaningful ways.

🧠 Understand your grandchild's neurodivergence & learning style...

🪐 Encourage your grandchild's passions (aka special interests )...

👅 Support their sensory needs...

Hyperlexia Quick Start Guide for Parents

Click here to get the Hyperlexia Quick Start Guide for Parents/Caregivers