Free Hyperlexia Quiz

Wondering if it's hyperlexia? Take the free online hyperlexia quiz.

Is it hyperlexia? Take the quiz to find out!

Wondering if your child might be hyperlexic? Think YOU might be hyperlexic? Now you can quickly find out if you or your child have hyperlexic traits and whether or not it's something you should explore further.

During this hyperlexia test, you will be asked a series of questions regarding reading abilities, language differences, social differences, and other relevant hyperlexia traits. The quiz is fairly comprehensive so please take your time and read the questions carefully.

Important note: This quiz is for educational and informational purposes only. It is not a diagnostic tool, nor is it a substitute for professional diagnosis or advice.

About the Hyperlexia Quiz for Kids

👨‍👧 Geared towards parents who have an early reader and suspect that their child might be hyperlexic

📚 Helps differentiate hyperlexic readers from other precocious readers (so great for anyone wondering if their child is hyperlexic or just an early reader)

 Features up to 15 questions about your child's reading abilities, language development, social skills, and more

📄 Questions are based on the latest research and information about hyperlexia and are designed to dig deep into hyperlexic characteristics that your child might have

 Simple rating scales are used throughout (i.e., you don't have to waste time deciding if you agree or strongly agree - a simple three point scale is used instead)

 Examples are included when needed to make sure questions are as clear as possible

📧 You'll receive personalized recommendations based on your results for further learning and understanding (i.e., you won't be left wondering what your next steps should be)

Does my child have hyperlexia? Take the free screener quiz to find out!


About the Hyperlexia Quiz for Adults

👨🏾 Geared towards adults or teens who were early readers and suspect that they might be hyperlexic

📚 Helps determine if you're likely a hyperlexic reader or just a precocious reader (as there are differences between the two!)

 Features up to 15 questions about your reading abilities, language development, social skills, and more (both from your childhood and as of right now)

📄 Questions are based on the latest research and information about hyperlexia and are designed to dig deep into hyperlexic characteristics that you might have

 Simple rating scales are used throughout (i.e., you don't have to waste time deciding if you agree or strongly agree - a simple three point scale is used instead)

 Examples are included when needed to make sure questions are as clear as possible

📧 You'll receive personalized recommendations based on your results for further learning and understanding (that way you can make sense of your results)

Do I have hyperlexia? Take the free screener quiz to find out!


Please remember that this quiz is for educational and informational purposes only. It is not a diagnostic tool, nor is it a substitute for professional diagnosis or advice.

Do I have hyperlexia? Is my child hyperlexic? Take the free online hyperlexia quiz today!