Mirror Activities for Kids

Looking for mirror play ideas? Look no further than this collection of fun mirror activities for kids. Your toddlers and preschoolers are going to love these!

Incorporating some reflection and mirrors into your child's play can be a lot of fun. It's great for sensory activities, math, music, and so much more, as you'll see below.

Seriously, if you've never tried a little mirror play with your kids you are missing out.

After all, kids love mirrors. I mean there's a reason I can't keep a single mirror clean in my house, especially the large mirror doors in my dining room. They're always covered in fingerprints (or lip prints...haha)! The same goes for windows though too...

Toddlers and preschoolers can't resist a little mirror play activity. You can take a simple framed mirror and pair it with loose parts. You can grab some window or dry erase markers and pair it with a big mirror. You can come up with some fabulous mirror art activities or do a little mirror reflection science. The possibilities are endless!

So if you're ready to do a little mirror exploration with your little ones, then you're going to love the simple, yet fun mirror activities for kids that you'll find below. Let's dig in!

Fun mirror activities for kids - lots of great ideas for toddlers and preschoolers!

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Ultimate Mirror Activities for Kids of All Ages

Below you will find an assortment of fun ways to play and learn using mirrors.

From activities that target prewriting and fine motor skills to simple mirror provocations and loose part activity ideas, your toddlers and preschoolers are going to have a blast!

Seasonal Preschool & Toddler Mirror Play Activities

Below you will find some wonderful mirror exploration activities to go with different seasons and holidays throughout the year. From Spring to Christmas, I've got you covered!

You can see that there are lots of fun ways to play with mirrors, whether that's on a vertical mirror in your house, a small mirror from the dollar store, or with a homemade mirror box. You can explore math, music, art, and more. The possibilities are endless! 

So I'm wondering...which of these mirror activities for kids are you going to try first?

Fun mirror activities for kids - lots of great ideas for toddlers and preschoolers!